Publishing and Distribution Services

Last updated on November 25, 2024

Who can buy from this arrangement?

Organizations that may use these supply arrangements are:

  • BC government ministries
  • Crown Corporations
  • Broader public sector organizations on the CSA Users List
  • Publicly funded authors

Information about this arrangement

King’s Printer, Publishing and Distribution Services offer sales and distribution of publications on the Crown Publications eCommerce platform.

The Crown Publications eCommerce platform offers high visibility, distribution opportunities, and royalty collections. The eCommerce platform is accessible by the public and includes options to customize product views to specified customer accounts.

BC government ministries and broader public sector organizations are encouraged to work with King’s Printer for end-to-end Publishing and Distribution services. Printing to inventory management, sales, marketing, and distribution are a few of the solutions the King’s Printer offers.

The professional team can advise on publication design, colour, format, binding, paper stock, print run, and eco-friendly options.


Use this arrangement

BC government ministries, crown corporations, public sector organizations and publicly funded authors interested in arranging an agreement to sell and/or distribute publications through this platform, are encouraged to contact the Business Development team.

Consumers wishing to purchase an available publication may visit Crown Publications.


Pricing and contact information

Sales and distribution of publications on the eCommerce platform are subject to the terms of an agreement with King’s Printer. Costs vary based on the level of service selected.

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Contact information

Crown Publications Customer Service

4000 Seymour Pl
Victoria BC
PO Box 9452 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9V7