IM/IT Consultant Services (Flextrack VMS)

Last updated on March 19, 2025

Services you can purchase

IM/IT consultants procured using the Flextrack VMS (Vendor Management System)

The Flextrack VMS is an online procurement portal for IM/IT consultants. Benefits include:

  • Streamlined and simplified procurements
  • Valuable market intelligence on current market rates
  • Quicker turnaround and shorter posting times
  • Pre-populated  consultant categories, experience and qualification criteria
  • Earlier line of site into contractor time logged and contract spend
  • Dedicated Flextrack Inc. employee that assists both vendors and clients in posting and managing active opportunities

Use this arrangement


Step 1: Check if your organization is authorized. Organizations that may use this arrangement are:

  • B.C. government ministries
  • B.C. broader public sector organizations that sign a Participation Agreement with the Province of B.C. and Flextrack Inc.

Step 2: Confirm this procurement channel is appropriate. Obtain approval to seek the services of an IM/IT consultant by following your internal approval process. The Flextrack VMS (Vendor Management System) is not mandatory to use and involves an administration fee (DOC, 24KB), however, other provinces using the VMS model have experienced cost-savings of up to 15% overall.  

Step 3: Create a requisition in the Flextrack VMSUse the VMS to initiate a requisition for your procurement, click Save, then click "Send to Flextrack". The Flextrack BC Program Manager will then contact you to clarify and finalize your requisition in order to ultimately post your procurement in the VMS. The Flextrack Program Manager will provide support to facilitate the procurement process, however, you will still need to create your own ministry-approved solicitation document internally (e.g. RFP Template for the Flextrack VMS, Call to Market, etc.), which is then to be uploaded into the VMS.

  • If you cannot access the Flextrack VMS, either your B.C. government IDIR is not registered for the VMS or your organization has not signed a participation agreement with the Province to access the VMS – Email Procurement Services Branch for assistance in that case.

Step 4: Evaluate responses and draw up the contract outside of the VMS. Follow your organization’s process to issue, complete, and sign the resulting contract documents.

Step 5: Pay consultant invoices generated through the VMS. Consultants procured through this process will enter their time and expenses within the Flextrack VMS and the VMS will then issue invoices on the consultants' behalf. 

Use this arrangement 


  • Vendors may register to access the Province’s Flextrack VMS to receive notices of and compete on opportunities posted through the Flextrack VMS at anytime and at no cost by emailing the request to the Flextrack BC Program Manager.
  • Until further notice, U.S. suppliers will be excluded from registering for the Province of BC’s Flextrack program. A U.S. supplier is a supplier of goods and/or services that was legally formed or organized in the U.S. or that is based in the U.S.

Information about this arrangement

  • Only services outlined on the price lists are available; other services need to be obtained in accordance with CPPM 6 - Procurement Policy
  • Vendors may register to access the Province’s Flextrack VMS to receive notices of and compete on opportunities posted through the Flextrack VMS at anytime and at no cost, by emailing the request to the Flextrack BC Program Manager
  • An open Notice to Vendors (#168015) has been posted to BC Bid advising of the availability of the Flextrack VMS as an additional procurement channel
  • Procurements posted on the VMS do not need to be cross-posted to BC Bid
  • For information or help using the VMS, email the Flextrack BC Program Manager
  • For information on the Province’s Master Agreement with Flextrack Inc., email the Procurement Services Branch

Pricing and supplier contact information

Pricing information is confidential and must not be shared.

To access the Flextrack VMS, you will need a B.C. government IDIR or your organization will have to had to sign a waiver & release with the Province, and a payment agreement with Flextrack Inc. If you are unable to access the Flextrack VMS, contact the Procurement Services Branch.

 Flextrack Inc. 

View pricing for the Flextrack VMS administration fee (DOC, 23KB)
Email: Flextrack BC Program Manager

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Contact Information

Phone: 250-387-7300


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