Kootenay Lake Ferry Service Improvements

Last updated on September 20, 2024

Kootenay Lake Ferry ProjectThe Kootenay Lake Ferry operates vehicle and passenger service between Balfour and Kootenay Bay, a distance of nearly nine km. The MV Osprey 2000, built in 2000, operates year-round, and the MV Balfour, built in 1954, operates in the summer when the demand is higher. Following two rounds of public consultation we are improving the ferry service.

Kootenay Lake Ferry Service Schedule and Information

Project status


Improvements to the Kootenay Lake Ferry service will feature 4 components.

New Vessel

Kootenay Lake Ferry Improvements - New Vessel Rendering

A new electric ready vessel


Kootenay Lake Ferry Improvements - Dredging

West arm of Kootenay Lake dredged for navigational safety

Kootenay Bay Terminal

Kootenay Lake Ferry Improvements - Kootenay Bay Ferry terminal rendering

Safety and amenity improvements at the Kootenay Bay Terminal

Balfour Terminal

Kootenay Lake Ferry Improvements - Balfour Ferry Terminal rendering

Safety and amenity improvements at the Balfour Terminal

This project was funded in part by the Government of Canada; for more information on federal infrastructure funding, visit: https://www.infrastructure.gc.ca


Float Out Time-Lapse

Public consultation
