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There’s never been a better time to Buy BC and support local growers, producers and the food we love right here in BC.
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B12 deficiency | Cobalamin (vitamin B12) and Folate Deficiency (2023) |
Breast Cancer, management and follow-up | Breast Cancer, Management and Follow-up (2013) |
Breast disease and cancer, diagnosis | Breast Disease and Cancer, Diagnosis (2013) |
Biopsychosocialspiritual Withdrawal Management Services |
Provincial Guidelines for Biopsychosocialspiritual Withdrawal Management Services - BC Ministry of Health (2017) Adult and Youth - see Partner Guidelines |
Brain injury, trauma | Severe Traumatic Brain Injury - Specialist Trauma Advisory Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Bugs and Drugs® | Bugs and Drugs® - Alberta Health Services: see Partner Guidelines |
Dementia | Cognitive Impairment: Recognition, Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care (2014) |
Depression, Children and |
Anxiety and Depression in Children and Youth - Diagnosis and Treatment (2010) |
Depression, Adults | Major Depressive Disorder in Adults - Diagnosis & Management (2013) |
Diabetes care | Diabetes Care (2021) |
Diagnostic imaging referral | Diagnostic Imaging Referral Guidelines - Canadian Association of Radiologists: see Partner Guidelines |
Diarrhea | Infectious Diarrhea - Guideline for Investigation (2022) |
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs)(2023) | Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs)(2023) |
Eating disorders | 2018 Eating Disorders Toolkit for Primary Care Practitioners (PCP) in BC and BC Clinical Practice Guidelines for Eating Disorders (2013): see Partner Guidelines |
ECG | Ambulatory ECG Monitoring - (Holter Monitor and Other Devices) (2013) |
Elderly; Frailty in Older Adults | Frailty in Older Adults – Early Identification and Management (2017) |
Endocrine Testing | Hormone Testing – Indications and Appropriate Use (2016) |
Endometrial Cancer | Genital Tract Cancers in Females: Endometrial Cancer (2014) |
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) | C-Reactive Protein and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Testing (2018) |
Esophageal cancer | Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers - Family Practice Oncology Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Fall Prevention | Fall Prevention: Risk Assessment and Management for Community- Dwelling Older Adults (2021) |
Foot injury and x-rays | Ankle Injury - X-Ray for Acute Injury of the Ankle or Mid-Foot (2009) |
Frailty in older adults | Frailty in Older Adults – Early Identification and Management (2017) |
Gastrointestinal cancers | Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers - Family Practice Oncology Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Genital tract (female) |
Genital Tract Cancers in Females: Endometrial Cancer (2014) Genital Tract Cancers in Females: Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, and Primary Peritoneal Cancers (2014) |
Geriatric Medicine | Fall Prevention: Risk Assessment and Management for Community- Dwelling Older Adults (2021) |
Head trauma | Severe Traumatic Brain Injury - Specialist Trauma Advisory Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Heart failure | Heart Failure - Diagnosis and Management (2023) |
Hematuria, persistent microscopic | Workup of Microscopic Hematuria (2020) |
Hepatitis, viral testing | Viral Hepatitis Testing (2021) |
High Ferritin and Iron Overload | High Ferritin and Iron Overload - Investigation and Management (2021) |
HIV testing | HIV Testing Guidelines - Officer of the Provincial Health Officer: see Partner Guidelines |
Holter monitoring | Ambulatory ECG Monitoring - (Holter Monitor and Other Devices) (2013) |
Hormone testing | Hormone Testing – Indications and Appropriate Use (2016) |
Hypertension | Hypertension - Diagnosis and Management (2020) |
Hypothermia | Accidental Hypothermia: Evaluation, Triage and Management - BC Accidental Hypothermia Working Group: see Partner Guidelines |
Imaging, appropriate | Appropriate Imaging for Common Situations in Primary and Emergency Care (2019) |
Imaging, CT | Computed Tomography (CT) Prioritization (2020) |
Imaging, low back pain | Appropriate Imaging for Common Situations in Primary and Emergency Care (2019) |
Imaging, major trauma | BC Imaging Guidelines for Major Trauma - Specialist Trauma Advisory Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Imaging, MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Prioritization (2020) |
Imaging, ultrasound | Ultrasound Prioritization (2018) |
Immunization | Immunization Manual - BC Centre for Disease Control: see Partner Guidelines |
Infectious Diarrhea | Infectious Diarrhea - Guideline for Investigation (2022) |
Infectious Disease | Bugs and Drugs® - Alberta Health Services: see Partner Guidelines |
Iron deficiency | Iron Deficiency - Diagnosis and Management (2019) |
Iron overload |
High Ferritin and Iron Overload – Investigation and Management (2021) |
Kidney disease | Chronic Kidney Disease – Identification, Evaluation and Management of Adult Patients (2019) |
Lifetime Prevention Schedule | Lifetime Prevention Schedule - Lifetime Prevention Schedule Expert Oversight Committee: see Partner Guidelines |
Liver chemistry | Abnormal Liver Chemistry - Evaluation and Interpretation (2011) |
Lung Cancer | Suspected Lung Cancer in Primary Care (2021) |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Prioritization (2020) |
Major depressive disorder | Major Depressive Disorder in Adults: Diagnosis & Management (2013) |
Mammography | This guideline has been withdrawn and replaced by the new guidelines: |
Managing Patients with Pain in Primary Care | Managing Patients with Pain in Primary Care - Part 1 (2022) Managing Patients with Pain in Primary Care - Part 2 (2022) |
Maternal health | For guidelines on pregnancy, labour/birth, and after birth for the mother and newborn produced by Perinatal Services BC - see Partner Guidelines |
Microscopic hematuria, persistent | Workup of Microscopic Hematuria (2020) |
Myalgic encephalomyelitis | Identification and Symptom Management of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Towards Optimized Practice (Alberta) - see Partner Guidelines |
Newborn health | For guidelines on pregnancy, labour/birth, and after birth for the mother and newborn produced by Perinatal Services BC - see Partner Guidelines |
Opioid use disorder |
Opioid Use Disorder - Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care (2018) A Guideline for the Clinical Management of Opioid Use Disorder (2017) - BC Centre on Substance Use and BC Ministry of Health - see Partner Guidelines for the following BC Centre for Substance Use resources: |
Oral Anticoagulants: Elective |
Oral Anticoagulants: Elective Interruption & Emergency Reversal Guideline (2023) |
Osteoporosis | Osteoporosis: Diagnosis, Treatment and Fracture Prevention (2012) |
Ova and Parasite Testing of Stool Samples | This guideline has been withdrawn and replaced by the new guideline "Infectious Diarrhea - Guideline for Investigation (2022)" |
Overweight and Obese Adults | Overweight and Obese Adults - Diagnosis and Management (2011) |
Ovarian Cancer | Genital Tract Cancers in Females: Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, and Primary Peritoneal Cancers (2014) |
Pain | Managing Patients with Pain in Primary Care - Part 1 (2022) Managing Patients with Pain in Primary Care - Part 2 (2022) |
Palliative Care |
BC Inter-professsional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines - BC Centre for Palliative Care - see Partner Guidelines |
Pancreatic cancer | Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers - Family Practice Oncology Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Patient health information | HealthLink BC: see Partner Guidelines |
Pelvis, trauma (pelvic ring injuries) | Trauma Guidelines: Pelvis - Specialist Trauma Advisory Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Perinatal care | For guidelines on pregnancy, labour/birth, and after birth for the mother and newborn produced by Perinatal Services BC - see Partner Guidelines |
Periprocedural Management | Oral Anticoagulants: Elective Interruption &Emergency Reversal (2023) |
Prevention schedule, lifetime | Lifetime Prevention Schedule - Lifetime Prevention Schedule Expert Oversight Committee: see Partner Guidlelines |
Prostate Cancer Part 1 | Prostate Cancer Part 1 (2020) |
Prostate Cancer Part 2 | Prostate Cancer Part 2 (2020) |
Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Diagnosis and Management (2024) |
Radiology | Ultrasound Prioritization (2018) |
Respiratory System |
Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Assessment and Management in Adults (2021) |
Rheumatoid arthritis | Rheumatoid Arthritis- Diagnosis and Management (2012) |
Special Endocrine Testing | Hormone Testing – Indications and Appropriate Use (2016) |
Spleen, trauma (blunt splenic trauma) | Trauma Guidelines: Spleen - Specialist Trauma Advisory Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Stomach cancer | Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers - Family Practice Oncology Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Stool specimens | Infectious Diarrhea - Guideline for Investigation (2022) |
Stool Testing | The "Investigation of Suspected Infectious Diarrhea" and the "Ova and Parasite Testing of Stool Samples" guidelines have been withdrawn and replaced by the new guideline: "Infectious Diarrhea - Guideline for Investigation (2022)" |
Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack | Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack - Acute and Long-Term Management (2015) |
T3, T4, TSH | Thyroid Function Testing in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Thyroid Function Disorder (2018) |
Testosterone, testing | Testosterone Testing – Protocol (2018) |
Thyroid disease, testing | Thyroid Function Testing in the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Thyroid Function Disorder (2018) |
TIA, Transient Ischemic Attack |
Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack – Acute and Long-Term Management (2015) |
Tobacco Use Disorder (TUD) | Tobacco Use Disorder (TUD) (2024) |
Trauma, brain injury | Severe Traumatic Brain Injury - Specialist Trauma Advisory Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Trauma, imaging guidelines for major trauma | BC Imaging Guidelines for Major Trauma - Specialist Trauma Advisory Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Trauma, pelvis | Trauma Guidelines: Pelvis - Specialist Trauma Advisory Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Trauma, spleen | Trauma Guidelines: Spleen - Specialist Trauma Advisory Network: see Partner Guidelines |
Trauma Informed Practice |
Ultrasound | Ultrasound Prioritization (2018) |
Urinary tract infection, investigation |
Urinary Tract Infections in the Primary Care Setting – Investigation (2020) |
Viral testing, hepatitis | Viral Hepatitis Testing (2021) |
Vitamin D Testing | Vitamin D Testing (2019) |
Venous Thromboembolism | Venous Thromboembolism (2024) |
Warfarin |
X-ray of ankle, following injury |
Ankle Injury - X-Ray for Acute Injury of the Ankle or Mid-Foot (2014) |