2020 Chicken Sector Pricing Supervisory Review

Last updated on May 24, 2024

In 2020, the BC Farm Industry Review Board (BCFIRB) initiated a supervisory review (Review) of pricing within BC's broiler hatching egg and chicken sectors due to continued pricing uncertainty in the sectors and the numerous appeals to BCFIRB of pricing related decisions by the sector regulators, the BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission (BCBHEC) and the BC Chicken Marketing Board (BCCMB). The Review followed BCFIRB pricing decisions and direction to BCCMB in 2010 and 2019, and the clear need for a long-term ‘live price’ cost of production formula that reflected the unique pricing factors affecting hatching egg and chicken pricing in British Columbia.

Please visit Frequently Asked Questions for more information on chicken production pricing in BC.

On this page

Review decisions

The Review resulted in two BCFIRB decisions:

1.    BCFIRB Decision on the BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission (BCBHEC) recommended cost of production formula for setting the price that BC hatching egg producers are paid by hatcheries for chicks, and

2.    BCFIRB Decision on the BC Chicken Marketing Board (BCCMB) recommended cost of production formula for setting the price that BC chicken growers are paid by processors for chicken

Review process

The Review Process included the following steps.


Step 1: Establish scope of pricing work and interim measures

A joint meeting was held between the British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board (BCFIRB) Panel and the British Columbia Chicken Marketing Board (BCCMB) and the British Columbia Broiler Hatching Egg Commission (BCBHEC) on April 30, 2020 to ensure the Panel understood the pricing work completed to date and to explore interim measures necessary for industry stability.

The Panel also held meetings with and sought submissions from the BC Broiler Hatching Egg Producers Association (BCBHEPA), the BC Chicken Growers Association (BCCGA), the BC Primary Poultry Processors Association (PPPABC) and the BC Egg Hatchery Association (BCEHA) on industry stability and interim pricing while the Review was ongoing.

The Review process was established following these meetings and consultation. A Terms of Reference defining the specific purpose and structure of the Review was developed by BCCMB and BCBHEC, and approved by BCFIRB on October 28, 2020 following stakeholder input.

For a more complete chronology of the consultation undertaken, please see BCFIRB’s decision on BCCMB’s recommendation and BCFIRB’s decision on BCBHEC’s recommendation.


Step 2: Develop long-term pricing recommendations

Based on the Terms of Reference, BCCMB and BCBHEC developed their respective long-term pricing formula recommendations via transparent and inclusive processes that included expert third-party review.

On March 4, 2022, BCBHEC submitted its Final Pricing Recommendations to BCFIRB. 

On October 30, 2023, BCCMB submitted its Final Pricing Recommendation to BCFIRB. 


Step 3: Finalize long-term pricing

In June 2022, the Panel approved BCBHEC's Final Pricing Recommendations with the condition that BCBHEC give one production period notice before implementation and that it follow the graduated implementation process as set out in its submission.

The BCBHEC initiated the first phase of its graduated implementation process in period A-179, with the final graduated phase occurring in pricing period A-188.

In May 2024, the Panel approved BCCMB’s Final Pricing Recommendation with the condition that BCCMB follow its graduated implementation process over six pricing periods as set out in its submission, but starting in pricing period A-190.

Timeline and documents

Letters and documents received by the British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board (BCFIRB) when undertaking a supervisory review, are publicly posted for transparency, fairness and accountability. Persons contributing letters and documents within BCFIRB’s process are responsible for informing BCFIRB if, in their view, the information they are providing is confidential. The Panel assesses the information and reasons for confidentiality before determining if or how the information should be publicly posted. For more information on BCFIRB’s policy for protection of privacy and confidentiality in supervisory review processes see here.

Please use the search box and the table sort function (click in the table headings) to find Review documents.

Timeline and Documents Table
When Who What
2024-05-23 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Response to BHEC request for release from Supervisory Review
2024-05-22 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) CMB Long Term Pricing Recommendations
2024-05-16 BHEC Letter (PDF) Request for release from Supervisory Review
2024-04-05 BHEC Letter (PDF) Implementation Plan Completion
Addendum (PDF) Final Post-approval COP implementation plan update. 
2024-04-01 CMB Letter (PDF) Response to Submissions
2024-03-18 BCEHA Letter (PDF) Submission on CMB Long Term Pricing Recommendation 
Letter (PDF) Response to CMB March 11th Submission
2024-03-18 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Submission on CMB Long Term Pricing Recommendation 
Letter (PDF) Response to CMB March 11th Submission
2024-03-15 BCCGA Letter (PDF) Submission on CMB Long Term Pricing Recommendation 
2024-03-11 CMB Letter (PDF) Response to BCFIRB further information request
2024-03-08 BHEC Email (PDF) 188 Post-approval COP implementation plan update
Addendum (PDF) 188 Post-approval COP implementation plan update
2024-03-07 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to Craig Evans PPPABC re: Letter
2024-03-04 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to CMB request for further information
2024-03-04 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to stakeholders re: process
2024-02-14 CMB Letter (PDF) CMB response re: processor confidential submissions
2024-02-02 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to stakeholders re: confidentiality application - agreement
2024-01-18 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to stakeholders re: confidentiality application 
2024-01-05 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Response to CMB on confidentiality application
2023-12-22 BCCGA Letter (PDF) Response to PPPABC confidentiality application
2023-12-22 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to RC, CPEP and CFIG re: Letter
2023-12-22 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to PPPABC re: Submission schedule
2023-12-22 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Submissions schedule
2023-12-21 CMB Letter (PDF) Response to PPPABC confidentiality application
2023-12-15 PPPABC Letter (PDF) PPPABC Non-disclosure application
2023-12-11 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) PPPABC request for confidentiality.
Addendum (PDF) PPPABC Email
2023-11-23 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Meeting invite - CMB
2023-11-23 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Long term pricing process
2023-11-20 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to Joey's Restaurants re: Letter
2023-11-17 BHEC Email (PDF) 186 Post-approval COP implementation plan update
Addendum (PDF) Post-approval COP implementation plan update
2023-11-09 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to Blair Shier PPPABC re: Letter
2023-11-08 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to James MacFarlane Browns Restaurant Group re: Letter
2023-11-08 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to Claudia Vorlaufer Earls Restaurant Group re: Letter
2023-11-08 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to Lana Hull Terrace Pizza Hut re: Letter
2023-11-08 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to Dawson Creek Pizza Hut re: Letter
2023-11-04 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to Fort St John Pizza Hut re: Letter
2023-11-01 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to CDQ CO-OP re: Letter
2023-11-01 BCFIRB  Staff Email (PDF) to Restaurants Canada re: Letter
2023-10-30 CMB Email (PDF) Final Long Term Pricing Decision 
Submission (PDF) Pricing Recommendations
2023-10-23 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to BC Food & Beverage re: Letter
2023-09-26 BCFIRB Staff Email (PDF) to Processors re: Submission
Staff Email (PDF) to Producers re: Submission
2023-09-25 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to Kerry Towle and Processors re: Meeting
2023-09-22 BHEC Email (PDF) 185 Post-approval COP implementation plan update
Addendum (PDF) Post-approval COP implementation plan update
2023-09-12 CMB Letter (PDF) Long Term Pricing Update
2023-08-10 CMB Letter (PDF) Long Term Pricing Update
2023-07-28 BHEC Email (PDF) 184 Post-approval COP implementation plan update
Addendum (PDF) Post-approval COP implementation plan update
2023-06-02 CMB Letter (PDF) Long Term Pricing Update
2023-06-01 BHEC Email (PDF) A-183 Post-approval COP implementation plan update
Addendum (PDF) Post-approval COP implementation plan update
2023-04-17 CMB Submission (PDF) Floating upper guardrail rationale
2023-04-06 BHEC Email (PDF) Post-approval COP Implementation plan update
Addendum (PDF) Post-approval COP Implementation plan update
2023-04-03 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Floating upper guardrail trigger prior approval
2023-03-31 CMB Letter (PDF) Long Term Pricing update - JWG replace CRMC
Addendum (PDF) Joint Working Group (JWG) TOR
2023-03-23 CMB Submission (PDF) Floating upper guardrail trigger prior approval
2023-02-21 CMB Letter (PDF) Long Term Pricing update
2023-02-15 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Liaison Role Amended
2023-02-09 BHEC Submission (PDF) Post-approval COP implementation plan update
2023-02-07 BCFRIB Decision (PDF) A-181 Interim pricing prior approval
2023-01-31 CMB Report (PDF) Cost Recovery Model Committee update
2023-01-24 CMB Submission (PDF) A-181/182 Interim pricing prior approval
2022-12-31 CMB Report (PDF) Cost Recovery Model Committee update
2022-12-23 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Nov 1 decision follow up
2022-12-19 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to BCCGA re-Cost Recovery Model
2022-12-19 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to CMB re-Nov 1st decision
2022-12-16 BHEC Letter (PDF) Implementation Plan - Progress Report
Addendum (PDF) Post-approval COP implementation plan update
2022-12-13 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) A-180 Interim pricing prior approval  
2022-12-13 CMB Letter (PDF) to BCFIRB re-Nov 1st decision 
2022-12-13 CMB Letter (PDF) Response to PPPABC CRMC conditions
2022-12-10 BCCGA Letter (PDF) to BCFIRB re-Cost Recovery Model
2022-11-21 CMB Submission (PDF) A-180 Interim pricing prior approval request
Addendum (PDF) A-177 Interim pricing prior approval request
2022-11-17 CMB Report (PDF) Cost Recover Model Committee update
2022-11-16 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Response to CMB Invitation
2022-11-10 CMB Letter (PDF) Invitation to PPPABC to join CRMC
2022-11-01 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) CMB Long Term Formula Development Plan
2022-10-28 CMB Email (PDF) Long Term Pricing update
2022-10-13 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Re-CMB Long Term Pricing Formula Process
2022-10-12 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Re-Sasaki appointment as project manager
2022-10-11 CMB Email (PDF) Long Term Pricing update project manager
2022-09-14 CMB Email (PDF) Long Term Pricing update
Addendum (PDF) Cost Recovery Model Committee TOR
2022-09-07 PPPABC Letter (PDF) CMB Long Term Pricing Formula Process
2022-08-25 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) Interim Pricing Decision Weight Class
2022-08-18 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) CMB Long Term Pricing Formula Process 
Addendum (PDF) BCFIRB August 8 Decision
2022-08-17 CMB Letter (PDF) Response to PPPABC Aug 8 Letter to BCFIRB
2022-08-16 CMB Letter (PDF) Corrected CMB additional information weight class change proposal
2022-08-15 CMB Letter (PDF) CMB additional information weight class change proposal
2022-08-09 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Response to meetings and BCFIRB decision
2022-08-08 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) CMB formula development plan
Addendum (PDF) Final Terms of Reference
2022-07-28 CMB Email (PDF) Long Term Pricing update 
Addendum (PDF) Serecon meeting summary
2022-07-18 CMB Letter (PDF) CMB Response to BCFIRB on weight class change proposal 
2022-07-08 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) CMB Weight class change proposed Next steps
2022-06-28 CMB Letter (PDF) COP development - progress report.
2022-06-28 BHEC Letter (PDF) Implementation framework - update
Addendum (PDF) Post-approval COP implementation plan
2022-06-28 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) A-177 Interim Pricing Decision 
2022-06-10 CMB Letter (PDF) A-177 Pricing Decision Req Prior-Approval
Addendum 1 (PDF) A-174 BCFIRB Decision and submissions
Addendum 2 (PDF) A-175 BCFIRB Decision and submissions
2022-06-03 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) BHEC Long Term Pricing Recommendations
2022-05-13 BHEC Submission (PDF) Final reply
2022-05-10 PPPABC Submission (PDF) BHEC Final Long Term Pricing Recommendations
2022-04-28 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Final submissions and meeting invitation
2022-03-22 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Pre-Meeting Questions - BHEC
Letter (PDF) Pre-Meeting Questions - CMB 
                      Letter (PDF) CMB Response 
2022-03-05 CMB Letter (PDF) Notice of request to amend A-175 decision
2022-03-09 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) A-175 Pricing 
2022-03-08 BCCGA Letter (PDF) Response - CMB A-175 Prior Approval Req. 
2022-03-08 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Response - CMB A-175 Prior Approval Req.
Addendum (PDF) PPPABC Correspondence 
2022-03-04 CMB &
Final Pricing Submissions Package
          BHEC & CMB Joint Letter (PDF)
          BHEC & CMB Memorandum of Understanding (PDF)
          CMB Pricing Recommendations (PDF) 
          BHEC Pricing Recommendations (PDF) 
2022-02-25 CMB Letter (PDF) A-175 Pricing Decision Request Prior-Approval 
Addendum (PDF) Appendixes -  A-174 Submissions and Decisions
2022-02-04 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) A-174 Pricing Supervisory Decision
2022-01-28 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Agenda - Final Stakeholder Round Table
2022-01-27 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Re-Jan 28 Final Stakeholder Round Table 
2022-01-27 BCFIRB Decision (PDF) A-174 Prior Approval
2022-01-25 BCCGA Letter (PDF)  Re-BCFIRB Jan 21 Letter - Feedback on BCCMB A-174 Price Proposal 
2022-01-25 BCBHEC Letter (PDF)  Re-BCFIRB Jan 21 Letter - Feedback on BCCMB A-174 Price Proposal 
2022-01-25 PPPABC Letter (PDF) Re-BCFIRB Jan 21 Letter - Feedback on BCCMB A-174 Price Proposal 
Addendum (PDF) Appendixes - Correspondence and Submissions to BCCMB
2022-01-21 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Updated - Request for Submissions - A-174 price change
2022-01-20 CMB Letter (PDF) A-174 Pricing Decision Request Prior-Approval w. Feedback 
2022-01-18 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Request for Submissions - A-174 price change
2022-01-14 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) To Chairs: Panel Preliminary Comments
2022-01-13 CMB/BHEC Link to CMB Website - Consultation on Proposed Long Term Pricing Model
2021-10-29 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) December panel meetings
2021-08-20 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) BCFIRB Review and Decision on Industry Stability
2021-07-21 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) response to PPPABC re Confidential Information
2021-07-20 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) response to BCCGA re Wendy Holm Continuing Role
2021-07-15 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Wendy Holm Transition
2021-07-16 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) re industry stability - Boards to Respond
2021-07-15 BCCGA

Letter (PDF) re-PPPABC Appeal Industry Stability and Current Pricing Structures. 

  • Spreadsheet (PDF) Comparison of Posted Base Weight Category Live Chicken Pricing Pricing
  • Report (PDF) CFC Canadian wholesale prices
  • Report (PDF) CPEPC GMC Report 20210704
  • Report (PDF) CFC Storage Stocks 2106
2021-07-15 PPPABC Letter (PDF) to BCFIRB Response Industry Stability and Pricing Structures
2021-07-08 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Request for submissions: industry stability and pricing
2021-06-01 BCFIRB

Letter (PDF) BCFIRB response to PPPABC May 21, 2021 Letter

2021-05-21 PPPABC Letter (PDF) PPPABC re Long Term Chicken Sector Pricing Review - Further Concerns
2021-05-19 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) BCFIRB response to May 14, 2021 PPPABC re process and roundtables
2021-05-14 PPPABC Letter (PDF) PPPABC re process and roundtables
2021-05-05 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) BCFIRB response to April 23, 2021 PPPABC further procedural concerns
2021-04-23 PPPABC Letter (PDF) PPPABC re: Review process
2021-03-31 CMB Letter (PDF) CMB process and timeline update
2021-03-17 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) BCFIRB re Pricing Review Timeline
2021-03-05 BHEC CMB Letter (PDF) BHEC CMB process and timeline update
2021-01-27 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) BCFIRB re Outstanding process concern questions
2021-01-22 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) BCFIRB Liaison re Outstanding process concern questions
2021-01-19 BCCGA Letter (PDF) BCCGA re Outstanding process concern questions
2020-12-07 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) BCFIRB re PPPABC Procedural Fairness
2020-11-13 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) BCFIRB re BHEC change in breeder processing age response
2020-11-27 PPPABC Letter (PDF) PPPABC re Chicken Sector Pricing Review Process
2020-11-04 BHEC

Letter (PDF) BHEC response to BCFIRB re Processing Age

Letter (PDF) BHEC Serecon Oct letter appendix

2020-11-04 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) BCFIRB re PPPABC information management
2020-10-25 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) CMB removal ON levy
2020-10-30 BCFIRB

Letter (PDF) BCFIRB re BHEC change in breeder processing age

2020-10-27 PPPABC Letter (PDF) PPPABC re information management
2020-10-27 BCCGA Letter (PDF) BCCGA re BHEC processing age decision
2020-10-28 BCFIRB

Letter (PDF) Terms of Reference Long Term Chicken Sector Pricing Review
Summary Stakeholder Feedback (PDF)
Final Terms of Reference (PDF)

2020-10-26 CMB Letter (PDF) CMB re BCFIRB position on ON levy and BHEC age change
2020-10-23 BHEC Letter (PDF) BHEC re rational change in processing age
2020-10-24 CMB Letter (PDF) CMB Pricing question to FIRB Panel




Cover Letter for Terms of Reference (PDF)

BCBHEC and BCCMB Pricing Review Terms of Reference for Stakeholder Feedback (PDF)

2020-09-26 BHEC Draft Tasks and Timelines (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s August 28 letter
2020-09-28 CMB Draft Tasks and Timelines (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s August 28 letter
2020-08-28 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Project Liaison and Final Chicken Pricing Review Process
2020-08-25 PPPABC Letter (PDF) in response to BCFIRB's August 13, 2020 letter
2020-06-26 BCFIRB Meeting Summary (PDF) regarding June 17, 2020 meeting with BCEHA
2020-06-26 BHEC CMB Joint written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s June 8, 2020 request
2020-06-26 CMB

Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s June 8, 2020 request

Additional documents:
CMB submission cover letter (PDF)

2020-06-26 BHEC

Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s June 8, 2020

Additional documents:

2020-08-13 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) regarding BCFIRB process, joint CMB-BHEC process proposal and stakeholder input received
2020-08-05 BCEHA Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s July 30, 2020 request for input
2020-08-05 BCCGA Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s July 30, 2020 request for input
2020-08-05 PPPABC Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s July 30, 2020 request for input
2020-08-04 BCHEPA Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s July 30, 2020 request for input
2020-07-30 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Input Requested on Joint BC Chicken Marketing Board-Broiler Hatching Egg Commission Pricing Review Process Proposal
2020-07-28 CMB BHEC Written submission (PDF) further response to BCFIRB’s July 13, 2020 long-term pricing process letter
2020-07-17 CMB BHEC Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s July 13, 2020 long-term pricing process letter
2020-07-16 BCHEPA Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s July 13, 2020 long-term pricing process letter
2020-07-15 PPPABC Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s July 13, 2020 long-term pricing process letter
2020-07-15 BCEHA Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB’s July 13, 2020 long-term pricing process letter
2020-07-13 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) Long Term Pricing Review Process
2020-07-03 BCFIRB Interim Pricing Decision (PDF)
2020-06-19 BCCGA Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB's June 8, 2020 request.
2020-06-19 PPPABC

Written submission (PDF) in response to BCFIRB's June 8, 2020 request.

Additional documents:

2020-06-12 BCHEPA Letter (PDF) outlining its position on interim and long-term pricing.
2020-06-12 BCFIRB Meeting Summary (PDF) regarding June 3, 2020 meeting with PPPABC.
2020-06-10 BCFIRB Meeting Summary (PDF) regarding May 28, 2020 meeting with BCCGA.
2020-06-09 BCCGA Letter (PDF) in response to June 3, 2020 meeting with panel, and initial responses to the June 6, 2020 request to provide a written submission.
2020-06-08 BHEC Letter (PDF) in response to BCEHA's May 26, 2020 letter, regarding a formula based approach to develop a new hatchery margin, and recent BHEC pricing activities.
2020-06-08 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to stakeholders requesting written submissions.
2020-06-01 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) inviting the BCHEPA and the BCEHA to meet with the panel, or provide written submissions.
2020-05-26 BCEHA Letter (PDF) providing its concerns and positions on interim and long-term pricing.
2020-05-22 BHEC Letter (PDF)  outlining BHEC's position in response to BCCGA's May 20, 2020 letter, concerning the status of spent fowl and salvage egg revenue streams.
2020-05-12 BCFIRB Supervisory Panel Letter (PDF) from Panel inviting key industry parties to provide a written submission or meet with the panel to discuss interim pricing stability and long-term pricing barriers and considerations.
2020-05-12 BCFIRB Supervisory Panel Meeting Summary (PDF) regarding April 30, 2020 meeting with BHEC and CMB, and outlining next consultation steps.
2020-04-29 BCFIRB Pricing Appeal Panel Decision (PDF) to rescind January 21, 2020 A-163 deadline, and transfer of chicken pricing formula matters to the Supervisory Review Panel.
2020-04-28 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to PPPABC and BCCGA regarding April 30, 2020 BCFIRB meeting with BHEC and CMB, and further consultation.
2020-04-20 BCFIRB Pricing Appeal Panel Request for submissions (PDF) regarding rescinding A-163 deadline and transferring matter to BCFIRB supervisory authority
2020-04-16 PPPABC Letter (PDF) to Supervisory Panel requesting consultation opportunities and to be provided information regarding ongoing consultation.
2020-04-14 BCFIRB Supervisory Panel Letter (PDF) agreeing to March 8 BHEC and CMB proposal that a joint meeting be scheduled in the last week of April, or first week of May.
2020-04-14 CMB Letter informing BCFIRB that due to COVID-19 and the BCFIRB March 17, 2020 decision to initiate a Supervisory Review, CMB will be unable to meet the A-163 deadline Order.
2020-04-08 BHEC, CMB Joint letter (PDF) regarding Linkage Review meetings, COVID-19 impacts, and requesting a joint initial meeting with BCFIRB Panel.
2020-03-17 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) announcing initiation of Chicken Price Linkage Supervisory Review. BHEC and CMB directed to meet with the panel.
2020-03-04 BHEC Letter to BCFIRB providing update on price linkage exit work
2020-02-25 BCFIRB Appeal Panel (N1911 & N1912) Deferral decision (PDF) regarding PPPABC and BCCGA appeals (N1911 and N1912), following submissions from PPPABC (Feb. 5, 2020)and BCCGA (Feb. 6, 2020). Appeals deferred until a supervisory process has been completed. The supervisory panel is not limited as to the issues it may consider, the process it may follow, or the time frame to conclude its supervisory process.
2020-01-27 BHEC Letter regarding PPPABC and BCCGA appeals (N1911 and N1912), providing notice of exit from Price Linkage Agreement (rationale forthcoming to BCFIRB) and recommending deferral of PPPABC and BCCGA appeals pending a supervisory process.
2020-01-21 BCFIRB Pricing Appeal Panel Decision (PDF) to grant extension to A-163 (May, 2020) to allow CMB to develop a long-term pricing formula following a submission process.
2020-01-17 BCFIRB Pricing Appeal Panel Request for positions (PDF) re Long-term chicken pricing formula deadline extension
2020-01-15 CMB Letter to BCFIRB regarding the progress to date of the Price Working Group (PWG) established to recommend a long term pricing formula in response to BCFIRB's May 16, 2019 decision. Notification that the PWG cannot make a recommendation for A-161, and recommends implementing an interim pricing formula.
2019-12-27 BCCGA Notice of Appeal re: BHEC Nov 27 & Nov 28 decisions (N1912)
2019-12-23 PPPABC Notice of Appeal re: BHEC Nov 27, 2019 decision (N1911)
2019-12-13 BCFIRB, BHEC, CMB Meeting between Chairs and Executive Directors to discuss outstanding BCFIRB questions.
2019-11-27 BHEC Letter to BCFIRB advising that spent fowl and salvage eggs revenue will be removed from hatching egg COP effective Period A160 (started November 4, 2019).
2019-10-28 BHEC, CMB Letter to stakeholders regarding progress on "BC Chicken Industry Strategic Framework", and summary of Sept. 25/26 “summit”. Notice that BHEC update regarding broiler hatching egg pricing originally set for Nov. 4, 2019 will be postponed pending a Nov. 5 meeting with CMB.
2019-10-25 BHEC, CMB September 25/26, 2019, joint summit meeting to assist both boards in the development of a framework to support a joint approach to issues and priorities in the BC chicken industry.
2019-10-17 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to BHEC and CMB requesting monthly meetings regarding pricing matters, to commence in mid-November, 2019.
2019-10-15 BHEC BHEC reverses decision to remove spent fowl and surplus egg revenue from the Cost of Production for the time being. Reiterates process and communications to date.
2019-08-23 BHEC BHEC decision to remove spent fowl and surplus egg revenue from the Cost of Production starting A-159.
2019-08-22 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to BHEC and CMB clarifying BCFIRB is not initiating a supervisory review at this time.
2019-08-08 BCFIRB, BHEC, CMB In-person meeting between Chairs & staff to discuss potential supervisory review.
2019-08-07 BHEC, CMB Letter to stakeholders outlining joint initiative to establish the framework for a “BC Chicken Industry Strategic Plan”, and next steps.
2019-07-31 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to BHEC outlining requirements regarding exiting the linkage, and reiterating support for BHEC and CMB to work together to find a solution.
2019-07-29 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to BHEC and CMB regarding July 17, 2019 teleconference between BCFIRB, BHEC, and CMB, and further plans to meet with each board. 
2019-07-17 BCFIRB, BHEC, CMB Teleconference meeting between Chairs & staff to discuss BHEC and CMB plan to develop an overall strategy for the BC chicken industry.
2019-07-11 BHEC, CMB Submission in response to BCFIRB's June 28, 2019 letter. BHEC and CMB objective is to provide comprehensive recommendations regarding all pricing related matters to BCFIRB no later than November 2, 2019.
2019-06-28 BCFIRB Letter (PDF) to BHEC & CMB regarding BHEC's Apr. 14, 2019 linkage exit notice, directing BHEC and CMB to work together on a solution prior to Period A-158 (Aug. 4, 2019), and to provide BCFIRB a written submission outlining progress no later that July 19, 2019.
2019-05-16 BCFIRB Pricing Appeal Panel BCFIRB chicken pricing appeal decision (PDF) regarding PPPABC and BCCGA appeals of CMB July 6, 2018 implementation of an interim pricing formula. CMB directed to issue a long-term pricing formula no later than period A-161.
2019-04-18 BHEC Notice to Industry regarding price linkage issues and potential for BHEC withdrawing from the price linkage.
2020-09-01 BCCGA Letter (PDF) to BCFIRB regarding the appointment of Jennifer Curtis to the position of liaison.
2020-09-03 CMB Letter (PDF) to BCFIRB regarding the appointment of Bill Vanderspek to the position of liaison.
2020-09-04 PPPABC Letter (PDF) to BCFIRB regarding the appointment of Craig Evans to the position of liaison.
2020-09-10 BHEC Letter (PDF) to BCFIRB regarding the appointment of Stephanie Nelson to the position of liaison.



Contact BCFIRB




1 250 356-8945


PO Box 9129 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9B5


Read BCFIRB’s Protection of Confidentiality Rules (PDF) to learn how BCFIRB manages confidential information.