NOTICE - Changes to Radio Communications Protocols - FSR (PDF, 68.9KB)
None of note at this time.
The intent of all road deactivation works is to place the road in a self-maintaining state that will indefinitely protect adjacent resources. Common road deactivation techniques include but are not limited to: vehicle access controls (such as barricades), cross-ditches, water bars, bridge and culvert removal, re-contouring road surfaces and grass seeding.
These Forest Service Roads were built or used by BC Timber Sales operations and are no longer required for business. BC Timber Sales does not have the ability to maintain surplus roads no longer needed. Stakeholders who believe a road(s) should remain open and maintained for industrial activity, can apply to the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources and Rural Development for an applicable tenure for the maintenance obligations to be reassigned to them, at the following e-mail address: Roads not reassigned to new tenures will be permanently deactivated.
If you have comments or questions about these road closures, contact BC Timber Sales, Engineering Officer Ryan Robertson at (236) 713-2287, or 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, B.C., V2J 3M5.
Note: these maps may be slow to load
No proposed roads at this time.
Note: this map can be slow to load
Please report any road safety issues to the Quesnel Natural Resource District office.