Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District road safety information

Last updated on June 25, 2024

On this page

Licensee Contact Information

Many of the forestry roads on Haida Gwaii are managed by the licensee of the area. The contact information below can be used with radio channel map to determine the best contact for updated road information.

Licensee Contact Information
Licensee Area Contact Name Phone Number Email
Husby Forest Products Ltd. TSA 25 Jonathan Fane 604-940-1234 info@husby.bc.ca
A&A Trading (Haida Gwaii) Ltd TFL58 Shane Simard 250-914-1350 SSimard@aatrading.com
Taan Forest LP TFL60, FNWL N1G General Inquiries 250 559-2337 info@taanforest.com

Road notices and warnings

Bonanza River Bridge Closure – Rennell Sound
The Bonanza River bridge located at approximately 0km of the Hangover FSR has been closed for safety issues.  This closure prevents vehicular access to Bonanza Beach, Bill Brown and the Hangover FSR.
Link to map of bridge closure 

Road closures and restrictions

Bill Brown FSR
The Bill Brown road at approximately 0.5km has been closed to vehicles due to safety issues. Map of bridge closure

Bonanza Main FSR
Road washout at the 14km mark of the Bonanza main FSR. Road is impassable to vehicular traffic.

Rennell Sound FSR
The Rennell Sound Road (Rennell Pass) has been load restricted to 5000 kg GVW vehicles.

Bridge information

Bridge inspection reports:

Road deactivation - proposed

The following Forest Service Roads (FSRs) have been declared redundant to industrial needs and are being proposed for permanent deactivation. Vehicular access will not be possible. Please review the attached maps and send any questions or comments to the Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District Office.

New: April 14, 2023

April 6, 2022 


Contact information

Please report any road safety issues to the Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District office

1229 Oceanview Drive, Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0