Wedeene FSR 9714.01 (November 15, 2024)
The Wedeene FSR has a large sinkhole on the edge of the road between 36 and 37 km. Signage is in place, drive with caution. There is some erosion to the road surface near 20 km due to recent heavy rainfall, drive with caution.
Copper FSR 7755.01 (October 29, 2024)
Road closed at 6.4km due to bridge washout. Closed until further notice.
The Skeena West – Shannonn FSR 7880.01 (June 11, 2024)
Road will be closed until further notice at the 4.2 km bridge due to unsafe conditions.
Wathl FSR 9015.01 (August 7, 2024)
Road is closed until further notice at the 5.9 km bridge due to unsafe conditions.
The Bish FSR 9607.01 (January 16, 2025)
Tree clearing will take place around 3.1 km on the Bish FSR 9607.01 Friday January 17 to January 18, 2025. Traffic control will be set up to ensure there are no safety impacts to public or industrial traffic.
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Please report any road safety issues to the Coast Mountain Natural Resource District office.