This proposal is now closed for comments.
Summary: Implement Burbot catch and release only in Windermere Creek, Bugaboo Creek, Spillimacheen River
Status: Proposed
Region: 4, Kootenay
Management Unit (MU): 4-25 and 4-34
Angling Regulation Type: Quota
Species: Burbot
Closing Date: January 17, 2025
Decision Statement: Pending
Current Regulation:
Windermere Creek, Bugaboo Creek and Spillimacheen River follow Regional Regulations and Burbot quota is 2
Proposed Regulation:
Windermere Creek, Bugaboo Creek and Spillimacheen River:
Burbot stocks in the East Kootenays are believed to be at low abundance. Fisheries management and local First Nations are working to determine the current stock status and options for conservation and recovery. The proposed changes will not subject currently unmonitored stocks, of unknown status, to harvest by recreational anglers.