This proposal is now closed for comments.
Summary: Wicheeda Lake change to rainbow trout daily quota and keeping all other water-specific regulations
Status: Proposed
Region: 7a, Omineca
Management unit (MU): 7-16
Regulation type: Quota
Species: Rainbow trout
Closing date: January 17, 2025
Decision statement: Pending
Current regulation:
Proposed regulation:
Wicheeda Lake is a wild monoculture rainbow trout fishery with regulations in place to protect its high value and wild characteristics for conservation purposes. This lake is considered to have quality angling potential. The fishery is not currently viewed as a retention fishery. It is currently viewed as a wild catch and release fishery with opportunity to retain. It is closed to winter angling and free from ice fishing pressure. Improved access to, and increased activity around this wild lake has placed a focus on it. The proposed changes aim to preserve the integrity of the fishery and opportunity for retention, while considering potential increased accessibility and fishing pressure due to future development plans.