The public is invited to comment on the proposed angling regulation described below until January 17, 2025. A BCeID basic account is required in order to post comments. Users with a business or personal BCeID account will not be able to access the feedback form without registering for a basic BCeiD account.
Summary: Boar Lake, Donnely Lake and Paddy Lake changes to daily trout quota, method, and hook requirements
Status: Proposed
Region: 5, Cariboo
Management unit (MU):
Regulation type: Method/Gear/Bait and Quota
Species: All fin fish
Closing date: January 17, 2025
Decision statement: Pending
Current and proposed regulation:
Boar Lake:
Paddy Lake:
Donnely Lake:
Proposed regulation:
Boar Lake:
Paddy Lake:
Donnely Lake:
The current regulations were implemented to reduce the large population of sterile, old and skinny rainbow trout. These fish are undesirable to anglers. These regulations have been effective and lead to an increase in growth rates to align with management objectives. The intention of this proposal is to revert to a trophy management objective and allow fish to achieve larger sizes.