Angling, hunting and trapping engagement

Last updated on February 15, 2025

The public is invited to comment on proposed angling, hunting, and trapping regulations through website engagement.

The provincial government recognizes that a wider range of perspectives can be reached through web-based public engagement. We will continue to use a face-to-face consultation process in addition to collecting online feedback.

Angling, hunting and trapping regulation proposals are posted online for public comment. User comments are visible only to designated government staff and to the user who posted the comment. A summary of website responses will be analyzed, summarized, and forwarded to government decision makers for consideration.

Freshwater sport fishing regulations in B.C. are published every two years in the Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis. Hunting and trapping regulations in B.C. are published every two years in the Hunting and Trapping Synopsis.

The proposed changes to the 2025-27 Freshwater Regulations are now closed for public feedback. The posted regulation proposals explain the current regulations and new proposed regulations, as well as the rationales for the proposed changes. Conservation remains the top priority.

View proposed regulations

The provincial government is committed to creating and supporting engagement processes that are free from bullying, harassment, incidents of hate and discrimination. Racism has absolutely no place in British Columbia. We must all stand together to denounce racism and nurture communities where everyone feels safe.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts and working together to ensure that British Columbia provides world-class sustainable hunting, trapping, and fishing opportunities.

Users may view proposals without logging in. Users will be required to log in with a BCeID basic account in order to post comments. If you have a current business or personal BCeID account, you will not be able to access the feedback forms. You will need to register for a basic account. 

Visit the BCeID website

Note: We strive to post all proposed regulation changes at once, however there are situations when that is not possible and additional proposed changes are posted at a later date. Viewers are encouraged to re-visit the website often.