Extended Producer Responsibility Plans and annual reports

Last updated on July 10, 2024

The Recycling Regulation under the authority of the Environmental Management Act sets out the requirements for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), formerly known as product stewardship, in B.C.

According to the regulation, producers of designated products can appoint an agency to carry out their duties under an approved EPR plan. The province reviews and approves the EPR plans to make sure outcomes and regulatory requirements are met.

Every 5 years, the producer must review their approved plan.

Following consultation, they must:

  • Submit any amendments, or
  • Advise the director in writing that the approved plan does not require changes

On or before July 1st each year, a producer with an approved plan must also:

  • Provide an annual report
  • Post the report on the internet

Review the approved plans and annual reports below.

Annual reports and product plans

EPR plans and annual reports are sorted alphabetically by category.

Since there are several sub-categories under Electronics, that category is at the bottom.


Beverage containers

Annual reports

Encorp Pacific (Canada)

Brewers Recycled Container Collection Council (BRCCC)

(Previously Brewer's Distributor Ltd.)

BC Liquor Distribution Branch

Additional historical reports

Extended Producer Responsibility plans

Encorp Pacific (Canada)

Encorp Pacific (Canada)'s Extended Producer Responsibility plan for ready-to-drink beverage containers sold in B.C.:

Brewers Recycled Container Collection Council (BRCCC)

Brewers Recycling Container Collection Council (BRCCC) (formerly, Brewer's Distributor Limited), is a not-for-profit society, created to steward and administer the collection of used beverage containers in British Columbia. BRCCC Schedule 5 plan provides for the management of all secondary packaging for its members.


Packaging and paper products

Annual reports

News Media Canada

Recycle BC

Formerly Multi-Material BC (MMBC)

Extended Producer Responsibility plans

News Media Canada

Newsmedia Canada is a not-for-profit organization responsible for newsprint and similar product.

Recycle BC

Formerly Multi-Material BC (MMBC)

Recycle BC is a not-for-profit organization responsible for residential packaging and paper product recycling throughout British Columbia.


Paints, solvents, pesticides and gasoline



Annual reports

Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA)

Extended Producer Responsibility plans


Used oil and antifreeze

Annual reports

Interchange Recycling

Formerly British Columbia Used Oil Management Association (BCUOMA)

Extended Producer Responsibility plans

Electronics and electrical 

The following are sub-categories of the Electronics and electrical category.


Electronic equipment, devices and cell phones

Annual reports

Electronic Product Recycling Association (EPRA)

Canadian Beverage Association (CBA)

Canadian Wireless & Telecommunications Association (CWTA) - RecycleMyCell

General Electric Canada Healthcare (GEH)

Extended Producer Responsibility plans

Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA)

Canadian Beverage Association (CBA)

Canadian Wireless & Telecommunications Association (CWTA)

On August 23, 2022, the extended producer responsibility agency CWTA requested that its plan, approved pursuant to the Recycling Regulation, be rescinded effective December 31, 2022. On September 2, 2022, the director accepted this request and, effective January 1, 2023, rescinded the approved plan.

An existing approved plan, managed by the agency Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA), remains available for producers of the regulated products (mobile devices such as cell phones).


Gaming equipment

Extended Producer Responsibility plans

BC Lottery Corporation (BCLC)


Lamp and lighting equipment

Annual reports

Product Care Recycling - Lights

Formerly LightRecycle

Mclaren Lighting

Western Pacific Electrical

Extended Producer Responsibility plans


Technology and telecommunications

Annual reports



Extended Producer Responsibility plans


On December 22, 2020, Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) requested that its plan, approved pursuant to the Recycling Regulation, be rescinded. Shaw appointed the Electronic Product Stewardship Association British Columbia (EPRA) carry out its duties as an obligated producer under Part 2 of the Recycling Regulation.

 The province approved this transition on January 4, 2021:




Extended Producer Responsibility plans

Canadian Brandowners Residual Stewardship Corporation (CBRSC)

On April 22, 2013 the Board of Directors for the CBRSC voted to approve the integration of electronic toys (e-toys) into the Electronic Products Recycling Association British Columbia (EPRA BC) stewardship program commencing August 1, 2013. 

The province approved this transition on May 21, 2013: