Additional Resources

Last updated on November 26, 2024




























 Acknowledgement of Claim and Notice to Return for Interview Form  

AEE Income Tracking Sheet
Document to assist PWD clients with keeping track of their qualifying income and annual earnings exemption balance during the year.

Affordable Child Care Benefit Rates 

After a Death  
In British Columbia, when someone dies and you need to look after their affairs, you will make decisions about what to do next. Find out the first steps, discover support options and learn about funerals and wills. While each situation is different, this page will guide you in the right direction.

Annual Earnings Exemption 
This page provides an overview about the earnings exemption.

Application for Assistance

Application for a Verification of Status (VOS) or Replacement of an Immigration Document 

Application for Canada Pension Plan Death Benefit, ISP1200
Form to use if deceased client may be eligible for funeral funding through the Canada Pension Plan Death Benefit.

Application for Death Certificate
Form to be used by clients applying for a death certificate.

Applications for Persons with Disabilities Designation by Youth with a Developmental Disability Brochure

Applying for Disability Assistance for Youth with Developmental Disabilities Video 

Asset Limits

Table outlining basic asset limits that apply to recipients of income assistance or disability assistance.

At Home Program Transition to Disability Assistance
Information Sheet including Questions and Answers regarding PWD transition.

Authority Level Matrix 


B.C. Handbook for Action on Child Abuse and Neglect
Handbook for service providers who work regularly with children or families that summarizes the key principles, laws, and policies dealing with the abuse and neglect of children in BC.

BC Assessment Guidelines 

BC Bus Pass Program

BC Bus Pass Program Consent to Disclosure of Information, HR3500 – Example 
Instructions for filling out this form.

BC Dental Association’s Find-a-Dentist Search Engine 

BC Family Maintenance Agency
Internet site of the Family Maintenance Enforcement Program.

Internet site providing program and contact information for the BladeRunners program.


Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Development Agreement (LMDA) 

 Canada - British Columbia Workforce Development Agreement

Canada Child Benefit 

Canadian Citizenship Certificate 

Canadian Documents 

Checklist for Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits Application 

Cheque Issue Schedule and Cut–off Dates
A schedule for staff which includes the monthly Cheque Issue, Cut–off, and other relevant dates.

Child and family benefits

Child Support
Internet site with information about child support and obtaining or changing a child support order or agreement.

Child Support Guidelines
Federal government Internet site with information on federal laws introduced in 1993 that set the amount of child support to be paid, based on the paying parent's income.

CIHR Outline 

CIHR Questions and Answers
(Re: Program Transfer to MCFD)

CIHR Questions and Answers
(Re: Screening Process)

CIHR Screening Update
UPDATE: August 2, 2011

Beginning September 1, 2011, the Province will expand the screening of families participating in the CIHR program to include those families accepted prior to December, 2007, who were not previously screened. All families accepted between December, 2007, and March, 2010, have already undergone screening. The screening will include all adults age 18 and older living in the home.

Families affected by this change are receiving letters notifying them of the new policy and requesting that they fill-out consent forms agreeing to a criminal record check and a check for previous contacts with B.C.’s child welfare system.

If you have questions or need assistance with the screening process, you can contact the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) toll-free at 1-800-663-9122.

Read a list of commonly asked questions and answers.

To find the nearest Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR) office, you can call the ministry toll-free at 1-866-866-0800, or on the web:

Read more about the CIHR policy.

Communicating Decisions to Clients Learner Resource
Five important steps to be followed when informing a client of a ministry decision.

Consent to Deduction and Payment, Canada Pension Plan, ISP1613
This federal government form provides Service Canada with authority to reimburse the ministry the amount of assistance paid to the client while the client was awaiting receipt of their Canada Pension Plan benefits.

Consent to Dismiss Appeal, EAAT002
Form to be completed by the appellant and ministry to consent to dismiss an appeal to the Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal.

Consent to Release of Persons With Disabilities and Health Supplements Information by the BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (MSDPR) 

Consumer Protection BC
Organization that regulates and licenses cemetery and funeral services.

Courthouse Services
Internet site for the public with information on court registries and services provided.

Crime Victim Assistance Program
Website for information on financial assistance when death is due to homicide.

Customer Crisis Fund 


Deaf & Hard of Hearing 

Deaf, Hard of Hearing & Deaf-Blind Well-Being Program 

Dental Coverage
This page provides an overview of dental services and what is covered.

Dental Supplement – Dentist
Schedule outlining eligible services and the amounts that may be paid to dentists for specific dental procedures.

Dental Supplement – Denturist
Schedule outlining eligible services and the amounts that may be paid to denturists for specific dental procedures.

Dental Supplement – Hygienist
Schedule outlining eligible services and the amounts that may be paid to hygienists for specific dental procedures.

Designated Worker Guidelines 

Internet site for the public with information (prepared by lawyers) on a range of topics, including separation and divorce, child custody and access, child support, and choosing a lawyer.

Direct Deposit
This page provides an overview of direct deposit for income assistance or disability assistance.

Direct Deposit Application, FIN312
This form is used by service providers or suppliers when signing up for direct deposit. This form must be completed as part of the process, if a service provider or supplier has arranged with the ministry have their monthly payment electronically deposited into this bank account. This application is for new activations or changes.

Direct Deposit for Service Providers
This page provides instructions for service providers on applying for direct deposit.

Direct Deposit: Low-cost accounts and no-costs accounts
Information about low-cost accounts and no-costs accounts

Direct Deposit: Opening a Bank Account
Information on opening a bank account

Disability Assistance 
This page provides an overview of assistance for Persons with Disabilities designation

Disability Assistance and Trusts
Booklet addresses trusts for persons with disabilities receiving Disability Assistance.

Disability tax credit (DTC)  

DSM IV Codes
Website for information on DSM IV codes.

Duty to Report Pamphlet   


Earnings Exemption  

Effective Date of Eligibility – Workflow Chart
Flowchart to educate staff on the effective date of eligibility.

Electronic Application for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Designation  

Electronic Application for Persons with Multiple Barriers (PPMB) Status  

Eligibility for Funeral Costs for BCEA Recipients and Non Recipients 

Employee Travel Policy
Information on hotel and accommodation rates for Government of BC employees.

Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal
Internet site for clients with information about the Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal.

Employment and Assistance Excerpt of Regulation as of March 31, 2010 for grandparented CIHR clients (updated February 3, 2011)

Employment and Assistance for Persons With Disabilities Excerpt of Regulation as of March 31, 2010 for grandparented CIHR clients 

Employment Planning 
This page provides an overview.

Extended Family Program (EFP) 


Family Justice 

Family Justice Counsellors
Internet site for information on assisting separating or divorced couples with resolving conflict on issues pertaining to child custody, access, and maintenance.

Family Maintenance Services Information Sheet 

Federal Government's Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) Website
Federal government resources that people can access for any questions relating to the RDSP or call 1-800 O Canada.

Fraud Allegation Reporting Online 

Fraud and Consequences
Brochure for providing clients with information on fraud and consequences.

Funeral Service Association of British Columbia
Website for consumers, including information on funeral service options, costs, and financial assistance with funeral costs.


 Gender-Based Violence, Sexual Assault, and Domestic Violence  

Guidelines – Applying Earning Exemptions
A guideline to assist staff in applying earnings exemptions in cases where overpayments occurred under a former Act.

Guidelines for Reviewing Diet Supplements
Guidelines for staff on reviewing diet supplements, assigning review dates and waiving the requirement for updated medical documentation.


HealthLinkBC – Stages of Sleep Apnea 

Health Supplement Summary
Provides staff with a summary of health supplements for which recipients may be eligible.

Healthy Kids Program Brochure 

Healthy Kids Program 
This page provides an overview of what is covered under the Healthy Kids Program.

Housing & Tenancy < Ending a Tenancy in Special Circumstances < Family Violence or Long-Term Care 

How to Complete Your Monthly "Report" form Brochure
Brochure for explaining client obligations when reporting income on the Monthly Report Form (HR0081).

How to Start and Manage a Registered Disability Savings Plan in British Columbia 


ICBC - Accepted ID 

ICD 9 Codes and Medical Dictionary
Website for information on ICD9 codes and a medical dictionary.

ICD 9 Codes
Website for information on ICD9 codes.

Income Assistance Payment Dates 
Payment dates for assistance.

Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET) Program Service Delivery Partners in BC 

Industry Training Authority
Website for information on apprenticeships.

Information Bulletin on Mediated Settlement to CPP Class Action
(May 6, 2004)

Information Sheet - Outstanding Warrants  

Insurance Corporation of BC
Website for clients for locating the nearest ICBC claim centre for information.

Interjurisdictional Support Services 


Leaving Disability Assistance
This page provides an overview of Medical Services Only.

Lived or living outside Canada - Pensions and benefits – Apply  


Maintenance Enforcement and Locate Services
Internet site of the Family Justice Special Search Services for finding both the home and work addresses of missing respondents.

Mediation in BC
Internet site providing a guide to mediation in BC.

Internet site providing a list of qualified mediators to individuals who wish to resolve disputes using mediation.

Medical Coverage Information Sheet
Information sheet and instructions to assist recipients in acquiring continued medical coverage following BCEA file closure.

Medical Transportation Information Checklist – For Clients 

Ministry Assistance with Funeral Costs
Brochure with information about the funeral arrangements for a deceased person.

Ministry Publications 
Additional ministry information that includes web text versions and printable versions of information cards, brochures, posters, reports and other publications.

Ministry of Children and Family Development At Home Program Age–Out Letter 

Ministry of Children and Family Development website 

Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Service Plans
Internet page for ministry service plans with information on the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction's overall vision, mission, and values, and the ministry's goals, objectives, and performance measures.

MLA – Certificate of Authority to Obtain Personal Information
Used for release of personal information to MLA’s under Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act (FOIPPA).
[For more information, see Policy – Access to a Client’s Personal Information by Others: Release of Information to MLA, and Procedures – Release of Information to MLA]

Monthly Report, HR0081 

MSP Supplementary Benefits 

MSP supplementary benefits application - eligibility calculator 

My Self Serve 


NADA Guides
Values for recreational vehicles, trailers and motorcycles.

Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of BC
Internet site of the Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of BC with legal information for individuals of aboriginal descent who are involved with the criminal justice system.

Natural Resources Canada
Information on vehicle types, gas consumption and average kilometre costs.

News Release – Online eyewear option for those on assistance 

Notice of Appeal to the Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal, EAAT001
Form to be completed by the client to notify the ministry of an appeal to the Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal.


Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
Website for information on the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities.

Optical Coverage
This page provides an overview of optical services covered.

Optical Supplements – Optician fee schedule
Schedule outlining eligible services and their associated fees and conditions.

Optical Supplements – Optometrist and Ophthalmologist fee schedule
Schedule outlining eligible services and their associated fees and conditions.

Our Service Commitment – Complaint Resolution Poster
A poster that outlines the complaint resolution process for clients to follow.



Parenting After Separation Courses 

Pay Sponsorship Debt 
This page provides an overview on sponsorship and debt recovery.

PEER Support Programs  

Personal Property Registry Guidelines 

Persons with Disabilities Designation Application, HR2883
Sample form for determining eligibility for the Persons with Disabilities designation.

Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers 
This page provides an overview.

Plan Institute Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)  Website 

Policy Summary of AEE Regulation
Detailed information about the AEE regulation to assist with calculating a family unit's AEE limit

Provision of PWD Application (HR2883)
A reference table explaining when to provide a client/applicant with a PWD Application Form

Publications for Victims of Crime  

Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia
Website for providing clients with information about the Public Guardian and Trustee, including referrals and services.


Reconsideration and Appeals
Brochure for clients with information about reconsiderations and appeals.

Reconsideration & Appeal Process
Flow chart showing the reconsideration and appeal process.

Refugee Claimant Process Flowchart
A flowchart diagram outlining the process for refugee claimants applying for IA.

Refugees and Asylum  

Rental Assistance Programs 

Reporting Child Abuse in BC
Public Safety web page that outlines the obligation and process for reporting child abuse.

Residential Tenancy Act 

Residential Tenancy Regulation 

Responding to Child Welfare Concerns Booklet 

Rights and Responsibilities

This page provides an overview.


Sample of Proof of Permanent Residence Status Letter (Current Version) 

Sample of Proof of Permanent Residence Status Letter (April-July Version)

Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS) 

Self Employment Program – Frequently Asked Questions 

Senior's Supplement
This page provides an overview of the Senior's Supplement

Senior’s Supplement Frequently Asked Questions 

Senior’s Supplement Rates by Income and Marital Status  

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters  


Skills Training for Employment

Sign Language Interpreter – Island Deaf and Hard of Hearing Centre 

Sign Language Interpreter – Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility 

Single Parent Employment Initiative 

Status Cards Still in Circulation 

StudentAid BC Policy
Information on the ministry’s policy agreement with StudentAid BC regarding student funding and education costs can be found in the StudentAid BC student guide.

StudentAid BC Program Information 

Submit Personal Freedom of Information Request 

Supplier Information Sheet 


T5007 Tax Slips - Information for Clients 

The Law Centre
Internet site of the University of Victoria’s Law Centre with information on family law issues.

Trust Query Submission Guidelines for Clients 



Vancouver Foundation: Endowment 150 

Vital Statistics Agency 

VMR Canada
Used vehicle values direct from the Canadian market.

Volunteer BC website 


WAVLI (Westcoast Association of Visual Language Interpreters) 

Work BC

Provides a comprehensive listing of employment programs provided by the ministry along with programs provided in partnership with other stakeholders.

WorkBC Employment Services (ES) 
For detailed information on WorkBC ES

Work Search Review HR3116 

WorkSafe BC
Website for information on WorkSafe BC (Workers’ Compensation Board of BC) death benefits.