Vital Statistics

Last updated on December 2, 2024

The Vital Statistics Agency registers all births, marriages, deaths, and changes of name that occur in British Columbia.

The certificates issued by the Vital Statistics Agency are legal proof of these vital events.

Learn more at:

Seniors may be particularly interested in the following Vital Statistics Agency services.

Wills Registry

The Vital Statistics Wills Registry service gives B.C. residents a place to post a wills notice. A wills notice identifies that a will has been registered and describes the person who has made the will, where the will is located, and the date of the will.

Learn more about how to file or search for a wills notice:

Death Registration and Certificates

If a person dies in British Columbia, the death must be registered with the Vital Statistics Agency, which issues death certificates upon request. Understanding and preparing for this process is a part of advance care planning. Vital Statistics also provides a funeral home database to assist with the planning process.

Learn more about the process of registering a death and getting a certificate:

After a Death

The After a Death website supports people who are dealing with a death. Topics include; First Steps, Get Support, Plan a Funeral or Memorial, Wills and Estates, and Who to Notify. The website also has a printable checklist that helps people stay organized.


Advance Care Planning

An advance care plan describing your wishes for end-of-life care and death and funeral arrangements, starts with conversations between you and your trusted family members or friends.

Wills and Estate Planning

Making a will is an important part of planning for your family’s future. Learn more about: