BC Teachers' Council

Last updated on February 14, 2025

BC Teachers' Council (BCTC)Under the Teachers Act, the British Columbia Teachers' Council (BCTC) is responsible for:

  • Setting standards for applicants and educators in B.C., including education, competence and professional conduct requirements
  • Setting standards for post-secondary teacher education programs
  • Reviewing and approving post-secondary teacher education programs

The BCTC has 18 members.

Appointments usually happen in April each year. Elections are held every three years. The next election is in the spring of 2027.  

The BCTC members receive payment for their service. The BC Teachers' Council Remuneration Plan (PDF) outlines how payment is set and managed. 

To accomplish the responsibilities defined in the Teachers Act, the BCTC members carry out the following: 


Set requirements and qualifications for teachers to be certified

The BC Teachers' Council (BCTC) is responsible for establishing the standards for certification – the requirements that must be met before a person can be certified as a teacher in B.C. The current Certification Standards were adopted and approved effective January 2, 2025.

Evaluation decisions on applications for a Certificate of Qualification made between November 22, 2019 and January 2, 2025 were based on the Certification Standards below.

Evaluation decisions are based on the Certification Standards in effect when the evaluation is being done. However, if the decision benefits the applicant, the evaluation may be done using the Certification Standards in effect at the time the application for a teaching certificate was made.

The Certification Standards replaced the former standards, which were Bylaw 2 and Policy P2. Evaluation decisions on applications for a Certificate of Qualification made prior to November 22, 2019 were based on Bylaw 2 and Policy P2.


Set the standards for educators

The BCTC sets the professional standards for certified educators and has revised the Standards for B.C. Educators based on feedback from certificate holders, teacher candidates, education partners, students, parents, and the public.


Set the standards for the approval and maintenance of post-secondary teacher education programs

The BCTC is responsible for setting the standards for B.C. post-secondary teacher education programs. The Teacher Education Program Approval Standards are meant to ensure that the design and delivery of the programs gives graduates the training they need to meet the Professional Standards for BC Educators and the Certification Standards.  


Review and approve post-secondary teacher education programs

The BCTC reviews and approves teacher education programs at B.C. post-secondary institutions to ensure that they will produce graduates that meet the standards for educators in B.C. The BCTC follows a framework that guides the review and approval process.


Administer surveys

The BCTC administers surveys to gather information that supports the ongoing approval process for B.C. teacher education programs and the review of the regulatory standards for the teaching profession. 

In 2014, the BCTC conducted a survey of newly certified educators to learn how prepared they felt for teaching in a K-12 classroom. The results of the survey were used to support the BCTC’s review of the Professional Standards for B.C. Educators and the development of the Teacher Education Program Approval and Review Framework. 

In 2021, the BCTC launched a survey of newly certified educators trained in B.C. to find out about their experience as they transitioned from their teacher education program into the teaching profession. With the collected data and the findings, the BCTC seeks to guide future changes to the regulatory standards for the teaching profession. The BCTC also offers recommendations for improvements to the education community.


Serve on hearing panels

Nine members from the BCTC also serve on the Disciplinary and Professional Conduct Board. They can be appointed as panel members for disciplinary hearings.


Hold regular meetings

The BC Teachers' Council Meeting Rules (PDF) promote principles of fairness, equality and common sense. They help the BCTC:

  • Facilitate consensus building and knowledge-based decision making
  • Meet its legal mandate and work plan
  • Regulate the teaching profession in the public interest

Presenting at a meeting: Review the BCTC Meeting Rules (PDF) - specifically, the section called "Input to the BCTC." Individuals from the public will be invited to present during the "Comment Period."

Visitor protocol: BC Teachers' Council meetings are open to the public, and members of the public may attend in person. However, the BCTC may exclude the public from part or all of a meeting. Meetings are held in Vancouver, B.C. The agenda for each meeting shows the location. Meeting minutes show the names of everyone who attends.

Attending in person: Use the instructions below to register to attend a meeting. When you arrive for the meeting, follow the signs to the meeting room and sign in. You must turn off any mobile devices. If you cannot follow these safety and security instructions, we may ask you to leave the meeting.  

Attending by virtual video conference: Use the instructions below to register for a meeting. We will contact you with instructions on how to attend. 

To register to attend a meeting, email BCTC@gov.bc.ca. Include in your email:

  • The date(s) that you will attend the meeting
  • Whether you want to attend the meeting in person or virtually
  • The given name and surname of the person attending
  • The telephone number (including the area code) of the person attending
  • The organization
  • The email address of the person attending the meeting

If you need to cancel your meeting reservation, email BCTC@gov.bc.ca

The information is collected by the Ministry of Education and Child Care under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The information will be used to confirm your registration, provide you with instructions for accessing a meeting, and show on the meeting minutes the names and organizations of everyone who attends. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please contact the Ministry of Education and Child Care at BCTC@gov.bc.ca.  

Agendas & Minutes


Anyone can share input or request to present at a BCTC meeting: BCTC@gov.bc.ca