Contact the BC Public Service Agency

Last updated on February 13, 2025

The BC Public Service Agency provides human resources leadership, expertise, services and programs that contribute to better business performance of ministries.

Supervisors often submit AskMyHR service requests on behalf of their employees who are not able to resolve the issue themselves. Employees may submit an AskMyHR service request for issues related to retirement, maternity/parental leave or other life events. Personal leave balances can be viewed within Employee Self Service (IDIR restricted).

AskMyHR is available to B.C. Government employees with a valid IDIR.

About AskMyHR

When employees submit a service request through AskMyHR (IDIR restricted), their request is sent directly to the relevant service area based on the category selection. Please ensure you select the category most suitable to your request and include all relevant details, which will assist in providing the most appropriate and timely response. If you are unsure which category to select, review the service category information.  

From the AskMyHR Service History window, employees can:

  • Read the communication thread related to their service requests
  • Submit, track, update and view their service history from one location
  • Add documents and update submissions as required
  • Access solved service requests
  • Request closure of a service request if they no longer require assistance with the issue

Service requests with a 'Solved' status will be available for one year, then they'll be archived. 

Archived service requests can be retrieved by submitting a new service request


Who should submit an AskMyHR request



How to submit an AskMyHR request


Submit a service request

From the AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service window:

  1. Click on 'Submit a Service Request'
  2. Fill in the 'Subject' box
  3. From the drop-down menu, select who you are submitting the request on behalf of:
    • Myself
    • My Team or Organization
    • A Hiring Manager
  4.  Choose a category for the service you need. Select the top level category that aligns with your request. It will be routed to the team best suited to manage your request. Here's a list of service categories and descriptions to help guide you in your selection
    • If you can't find the category or topic you're looking for, please include it in the subject field
    • Second level categories are targeted to very specific requests or actions and are included due to high volume usage
    • If a specific second level category isn't available, select the top level
  5. Complete the 'Request or Question Details' box
  6. Attach documents, if needed
  7. Click the 'Submit' button

Service categories

Select the audience type to view the available service category descriptions.




Get support and information about benefits coverage, extended health and dental plans and insurance plans. Submit benefits forms and learn about eligibility, enrolment, making changes to your benefits coverage and your benefits coverage while on leave.

Career Development

Learn more about how performance conversations, coaching services and learning opportunities can help you excel at your job and advance your career. Find out about competencies and the job application process or get answers to your questions about educational leave and the Pacific Leaders Program.

Change Personal Information

Update your name or contact information in your employee record.

Customer Feedback

Provide feedback regarding your experience with Careers & MyHR or AskMyHR and help us continue to improve our service.

Expenses, Allowances & Reimbursements

Learn more about reimbursements, allowances, relocation expenses and travel for work.

Health & Well-being

Access programs and services (such as Quittin’ Time, cold and flu prevention) that promote work/life balance and health. Get information about ergonomic assessments and request advice and guidance on managing employee health issues at work.

HR Software Systems Support

Receive technical support for Employee Self-Serve (ESS), Manager Self-Serve (MSS), Time and Leave, the Learning System (ELM), the Recruitment Management System and more. You can also request an HR report.

Internships, Co-ops & Youth Employment Programs

Get information about co-op programs, the Indigenous Youth Internship, the Work-Able Program or other youth employment programs.

Learning Centre

Learn more about courses that'll help you excel at your job and advance in your career. Get answers to questions about course registration, e-learning, training records, cancelling or dropping a course, course approvals and technical issues.

Leave & Time Off

Learn more about taking time off work, related pay deductions and adjustments and your responsibilities for managing leaves.

Leaving the Public Service

Get support and information related to retirement, resignation, bridging of service, or other exit/return/transfers.


Explore information about being paid or collecting a reimbursement for expenses. Get information about overtime calculations, over/under payments and PECSF.

Submit a Form or Document

Submit forms or documents related to benefits, onboarding, oath, and standards of conduct.

Work Hours & Arrangements

Learn more about flexible work options such as flexible schedules or flexible workplaces.

Workplace Disputes & Conflicts

Request support from Conflict Management Services to resolve a dispute/conflict, or report a workplace problem.

Workplace Safety

Contribute to a safe workplace through training and understanding of roles and responsibilities. Find out how to prevent injuries and how to take immediate steps during emergencies.


My Team or Organization


Get support and information about benefits coverage, extended health and dental plans and insurance plans. Submit benefits forms and learn about eligibility, enrolment, making changes to your benefits coverage and your benefits coverage while on leave.

Coaching & MyPerformance

Request coaching services, have a performance conversation, or get support with the Performance Development Platform application.

Customer Feedback

Provide feedback regarding your experience with Careers & MyHR or AskMyHR and help us continue to improve our service.

Employee & Labour Relations

Find advice and support for team development, as well as challenging staffing situations and understanding employment conditions and agreements.

Executive Organizational Development

Find information and helpful resources pertaining to change leadership, organizational design and effectiveness and strategic alignment.

Expenses, Allowances & Reimbursements

Learn more about reimbursements, allowances, relocation expenses and travel for work.

Health & Well-being

Access programs and services (e.g., Quittin’ Time, cold and flu prevention) that promote work/life balance and health. Get information about ergonomic assessments and request advice and guidance on managing employee health issues at work.

HR Software Systems Support

Receive technical support for Employee Self-Serve (ESS), Manager Self-Serve (MSS), Time & Leave, the Learning System (ELM), the Recruitment Management System and more. You can also request an HR report.

Internships, Co-ops & Youth Employment Programs

Get information about co-op programs, the Indigenous Youth Internship, the Work-Able Program or other youth employment programs.

Job Classification

Learn about the exclusion process for new positions, get assistance with job profile writing, submit the position screening designation form, request re-classification of an existing position and make updates to existing job titles/positions. You may also submit general questions about the job classification process.

Learning Centre

Learn more about courses that will help you excel at your job and advance in your career. Get answers to questions about course registration, e-learning, training records, cancelling or dropping a course, course approvals and technical issues.

Leave & Time Off

Learn more about taking time off work, related pay deductions and adjustments and your responsibilities for managing leaves. You can also submit leave related forms.

Leaving the Public Service

Get support and information related to retirement, resignation, bridging of service, or other exit/return/transfers.


Explore information about being paid or collecting a reimbursement for expenses. Get information about major pay related areas from salary determination to overtime calculations, over/under payments, PECSF and pay/overtime form submissions.

Submit a Form or Document

Submit forms or documents related to benefits, criminal record checks, onboarding, leave of absences, oath or employment, offer letters, pay and overtime and standards of conduct.

Work Hours & Arrangements

Learn about managing attendance including changes in hours of work, or flexible work options such as flexible schedules or flexible workplaces.

Workplace Disputes & Conflicts

Request support from Conflict Management Services to resolve a dispute/conflict, or report a workplace problem.

Workplace Safety

Contribute to a safe workplace through training and understanding of roles and responsibilities. Find out how to prevent injuries and how to take immediate steps during emergencies.


A Hiring Manager

Customer Feedback

Provide feedback regarding your experience with Careers & MyHR or AskMyHR and help us continue to improve our service.

Hiring Process

Hiring managers can find the information, tools and instructions they need to initiate a hiring competition to onboarding a new employee.

Internships, Co-ops & Youth Employment Programs

Get information about co-op programs, the Indigenous Youth Internship, the Work-Able Program or other youth employment programs.

Job Classification

Learn about the exclusion process for new positions, get assistance with job profile writing, submit the position screening designation form, request re-classification of an existing position and make updates to existing job titles/positions. You may also submit general questions about the job classification process.


Submit a form

For fastest service, scan and submit forms via an online AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request.

Follow the directions on the form, or use the category Myself (or) My Team or Organization > Submit a Form or Document.


B.C. Government employees without IDIR access can contact us by phone. 

If your inquiry is critical in nature (for example, an immediate life event), please call. Otherwise please submit an online AskMyHR service request. All inquiries will be triaged and placed in queues to be worked on by priority and date order.

8:30 am to 12 pm and 1 pm to 4 pm (PST), Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays.

Option 1: Employee pay
Option 2: HR systems
Option 3: Leave and life events
Option 4: Health and dental benefits
Option 5: Supervising and leading people


We appreciate your feedback, which helps us improve our programs, services and the Careers & MyHR website. 

Employees can send their feedback through an online AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request, using the category Myself (or) My Team or Organization (or) A Hiring Manager > Customer Feedback.
