Updated corporate direction regarding hiring in the BC Public Service: Frequently asked questions

Last updated on March 12, 2025

Effective February 13, 2025, all hiring in the BC Public Service requires assessment against established criteria and approval by the deputy minister and final approval by the Head of the BC Public Service before ministries can proceed with hiring.

Internship programs supporting reconciliation, equity, diversity and inclusion (Indigenous Youth Internship Program, Work-Able, Co-op and Youth Employment programs) are exempt from this process.

Frequently asked questions

1. Why is this new direction on hiring required?

Since the temporary pause on external hiring was implemented in December 2024, it has become clear the BC Public Service needs to take bolder action in response to ongoing fiscal constraints and the threat of U.S. tariffs.

2. When is this new direction on hiring effective?

The updated corporate direction is effective February 13, 2025.

3. How long is this new direction on hiring expected to last?

The pause on hiring will continue while efficiency reviews are underway. It is not known how long it will last, but the process will be regularly reviewed.

4. Which organizations does the hiring pause apply to?

This direction applies to core BC Public Service. It does not apply to agencies, boards, commissions, Crown Corporations or other public sector organizations. 

5. What is the process for obtaining approval from the Head of the BC Public Service for hiring requests?

A corporate process has been established. Hiring managers should contact their supervisor or ministry HR if they have questions about the process.

6. How long will the approval process take?

A cadence for regular review and reporting will be implemented immediately with an aim for corporate approval process completion at 2 week intervals. Ministries should account for internal and corporate approval processes when planning staffing actions.

7. Is there a process for positions currently active in the hiring system?

Yes. All in-progress hiring activities up to and including February 12, 2025, are being reviewed by ministries against the new hiring criteria before proceeding to the Head of the BC Public Service for expedited review.

8. What type of hiring activities does this new direction apply to?

Hiring activities including permanent, auxiliary appointments temporary appointments (TAs), hiring from eligibility lists and lateral transfers between ministries with monetary impacts are subject to this new direction.

Ministry restricted internal hiring activities via expressions of interest, temporary appointments (for existing regular employees) under 7 months and lateral transfers that do not require a backfill or will create a permanent vacancy are exempt and can proceed with deputy minister approval. Auxiliary appointment extensions are not exempted.

9. Can I extend a TA or auxiliary appointment while waiting for Head of the BC Public Service approval?

While waiting for approval, deputy ministers can extend TAs and auxiliary appointments until June 30, 2025, following the TA guidelines.

10. If a hiring request that is approved by the Head of the BC Public Service does not result in a successful candidate, can ministries fill the position through other staffing options (for example, expressions of interest)? 

Yes. Ministries must follow their internal processes.

11. Should ministries continue to use existing eligibility lists?

Ministries must follow the corporate hiring process including securing approval from the Head of the BC Public Service and the deputy minister before filing a position. Requirements related to the use of eligibility lists have not changed.

12. Can a supervisor pull an employee back from a temporary appointment if they are required to support critical work?

Per the TA guidelines, temporary appointments, or any extension of temporary appointments, may be terminated at any time for operational or budget requirements by the hiring ministry and are conditional on the basis of satisfactory performance. Decisions to end a temporary appointment would be at the hiring ministry’s discretion; however, the base and hiring ministry are expected to have ongoing conversations about the operational requirements.

For base ministries, if there is a significant adverse impact to either the delivery of critical services for the public or a critical project, reach out to your ministry HR team for advice and options. Ministries should consider alternatives to support the ongoing work of the business unit.

13. Does this new direction apply to lateral transfers internal to ministries?

Ministries are encouraged to leverage internal lateral transfers to support strategic redistribution of work within their ministries to the delivery of core government programs and services subject to internal ministry processes. Internal staffing actions should result in a realignment of resources and ultimately savings by leaving less critical positions vacant. Provisions regarding lateral transfers outlined in the collective agreements still apply.

14. Are lateral transfers between ministries permitted?

If a vacancy requires specialized skills that are not presently available within the ministry, a cross-ministry lateral transfer can be used. This requires approval from the deputy ministers of both ministries since internal staffing actions should result in a realignment of resources and ultimately savings by leaving less critical positions vacant.

15. Can included staff be provided additional compensation, such as substitution pay, while acting in a higher position?

During the hiring pause the terms within collective agreements still apply. Supervisors are encouraged to seek their ministry executive approval prior to any reorganization of work that would require substitution pay.

16. Can I submit my hiring request to post while I wait for approval by the Head of the BC Public Service?

No. Only requests that have received Head of the BC Public Service approval can be submitted to the BC Public Service Agency.

17. My competition is in progress, can I still proceed?

Confirm with your ministry HR before you proceed with your competition.

18. A job offer has been made on a competition. Will that offer still be valid now?

Yes. However, after February 13, 2025, no offers can be made without first obtaining the necessary approval from the Head of the BC Public Service and the deputy minister.

19. I already have an established eligibility list, can I proceed with hiring?

No. After February 13, 2025, all hiring decisions require approval from the Head of the BC Public Service and the deputy minister.

20. Does this new direction apply to auxiliary appointments?

Yes. All hiring decisions require approval from the Head of the BC Public Service and the deputy minister, including hiring and extension requests for auxiliary appointments.

21. I already received deputy minister approval to hire. Can my hiring competition still go ahead?

No. After February 13, 2025, hiring decisions require approval from the Head of the BC Public Service and deputy minister approval.

22. How do we continue to prioritize service delivery if we cannot fill vacancies?

To protect key services that people in British Columbia rely on, work is underway within ministries to review existing programs and initiatives for strategic alignment, relevance, economic growth and cost effectiveness. Through these reviews, the BC Public Service can find opportunities to optimize resources and streamline services.  

23. How does this latest direction align with the efficiency reviews announced on January 16, 2025, by the Head of the BC Public Service?

Ministries are encouraged to begin examining the structure of their management and supervisory teams and corporate guidelines are being prepared to support their work.

24. Is it a requirement to post my position internally once I receive approval from the Head of the BC Public Service?

No. Ministries should continue with the practice of reviewing their internal and external staffing requirements before posting.

25. If my hiring request is within my approved budget, do I still need to follow this process?

Yes. The new corporate hiring direction is still required.