Using hyperlinks in web content

Last updated on September 12, 2024

How you link content is important in helping people find what they’re looking for. Links should be used to avoid duplicating content.

Learn how to insert links in CMS Lite.

On this page

Link text and accessibility

People scan content for links and headings to find what they came for. This is also true for people that use assistive technologies. Because of this, link text needs to make sense without reading the content before or after it. Write link text that describes where it will send someone:

Avoid linking blocks of text, long sentences or paragraphs. Link text should succinctly describe the destination and, where possible, what someone might accomplish by clicking the link. Links that exceed one line in length are difficult to read.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Check your links are still current as part of your content lifecycle reviews. Broken links impact the usability of content, which affects your SEO.

Remember to:

  • Be careful when linking to content that’s likely to expire or move, set a reminder to update or remove those links
  • Use the built-in link checker in CMS Lite
  • If you’re working on another platform, check with your web team about using a broken link checker

Anchor links

Also known as bookmark links, anchor links jump to specific content on a page, such as a section of a report. Using anchor links can help organize content and make it easier to navigate. It can also improve user experience and search engine optimization as long as you link to related content with clear headings

Use anchor links to create a table of contents at the top of your page, known as 'On this page'.

Learn how to add anchor links in CMS Lite.

Back-to-top links

Back-to-top links are shortcuts that allow people to navigate back to the top of the page quickly. This is helpful on long pages where people may need to reference the table of contents or navigation menu.

CMS Lite has a back-to-top link built into each page in the form of a floating button on the right-hand side of the screen. If you’re using another platform, check with your web team to confirm.

Linking to content on

Each page and asset in CMS Lite have a ‘globally unique identifier' (GUID). GUIDs are permanent links made up of a unique set of numbers and letters. They allow you to avoid broken links if the name or location of the content changes.

Human Readable URLs (HRUs) contain page paths and words that may change over time. This means they will break if the content is moved or the page path is renamed. 

Learn how to use GUIDs and HRUs in CMS Lite. If you’re linking to content on from outside CMS Lite, you can access the GUID using the ‘share’ icon in the bottom-right corner of every page.

Linking to news releases

Content in news releases can quickly become stale. This can be frustrating and creates barriers for people who are trying to complete a task or access a service.

Avoid linking to news releases unless they include critical information that is not available anywhere else. Instead, point to static content that helps people find more information.

If you must link to a news release, only link to it for a maximum of 30 days unless it's related to an active project. If it's related to an active project, you may choose to keep the link as long as it remains relevant. Afterwards:

  • Replace the news release link with a link to static content, or
  • Remove the link if no static content exists

External links

When to use an external link

External links connect pages on your website to those on other domains. Only link to non-government information when necessary. You may link to an external website if:

  • It’s a crown corporation or other government’s website
  • A task must be completed using a third-party website
  • People need something Government cannot or does not provide
  • The website is a trustworthy source

Check the linked content often to make sure it remains relevant and to look for broken links.

How to link to external content

Set external links to open in the same tab by default. This prevents users from becoming disoriented and allows them to use the ‘back’ button if needed. 

Make it clear in your text that the link is external for example:

Privacy and security

If you have questions about the security or privacy of a site, contact your ministry or organization’s security and privacy officers.

Email addresses

Use generic rather than personal email addresses in web content. When possible, contact forms should be used in place of email addresses.

If you’re including an email address in your content, use the email as the link text. For example:

Use Pascal case for emails that contain more than one word. Pascal case means capitalizing the first letter of each word. This makes it easier for people and screen readers to read. For example:

Phone numbers links

Phone numbers should be linked. This allows people to call a number by clicking on it which makes it easier to call the right number.

Format phone numbers so they're easy for everyone to read.

In CMS Lite

Phone numbers should be added using the contact information box in CMS Lite. If it’s part of the body of your content, add the number as a link. In the URL field use ‘tel:’ followed by the full phone number in international dialling format.

For example: tel:+1-250-555-0123

HTML telephone links

If you’re using another platform you'll need to use the HTML code provided in the Design System

SMS texting links

If you’re providing a number for people to send SMS texts to, add the number as a link in the body of your content. In the URL field use ‘SMS:’ followed by the full phone number in international dialling format.

For example: sms:+1-604-555-0123

Open links in the same tab by default

The general rule is to always open links in the same tab. This allows people to use the navigation menu or back button to return to the previous page.

Opening links in a new tab

Consider what your audience is trying to do. New tabs make sense for some types of content, such as:

  • Giving information that disrupts a process, such as filling out a form
  • Starting a secure session that requires a login, such as BCeID
  • In some cases, documents and files should open in a new tab. See linking to documents and files for more information

Linking to documents and files

When possible, write page content instead of including a document. This improves accessibility and SEO.

If a document is required, consider what it is and why someone would open it before deciding if it should open in a new tab. Do not base the decision only on the fact that it’s a document. For example, it makes sense for documents to open in a new tab if:

  • People are likely to print it, such as a short instruction manual or a poster
  • It’s a form where the user may go back and forth between two tabs to fill it out

However, if it’s something like a report, a new tab is unnecessary.

Writing link text for documents and files

When linking to documents and files, give them clear and concise names. The name should be:

There is no space between the file size and unit of measurement, for example:

Linking images

Whenever you use an image, it must include alternative text (alt text). If the image is linked the alt text on the image should tell you where the link goes, such as the name of the page you'll be taken to.

If the image has a function, such as a magnifying glass to search, the alt text should be ‘search’.

Learn how to add alt text in CMS Lite. If you’re working on another platform, see the Web Accessibility Tutorial on Functional Images (external link).

For more information see using images and graphics in web content.