Services and policies for government and broader Public Sector

The Government of British Columbia, through various branches and service lines, provides key services to ministries and organizations, employees, and broader public sector (BPS) entities. Find and access the B.C. government services you need, including real estate, records management, procurement, supply, and information technology.

Services and information topics

Real Estate & Space

Access a real estate and property management provider with a diverse portfolio of established services, documented processes and advanced technologies.

Information Management & Technology

Information management and information technology (IM/IT) play important, interconnected roles in government administration: they inform decision-making, policy development and service delivery.

Policies, procedures and standards

Find and access policies and related services for the B.C. government and the broader public sector.

Public sector management

Public sector organizations are created by the B.C. government to provide programs and services for the people of British Columbia.

Internal corporate services

Internal corporate services are enterprise-wide services provided by the Government of British Columbia to its ministries, Crown corporations and the broader public sector.

Service experience and digital delivery

Find the policies, tools, and support you need to deliver accessible, user-focused digital services within the B.C. government.

Statistics and research
BC Stats

The B.C. government's leader in statistical and economic research, information and analysis.

Supply Solutions
Supply Services - a Branch of Shared Services BC

Shared Services BC provides shared supply solutions to support ministries, Crown corporations and the broader public sector. Products and services can be customized to suit any organization's needs.

Visit Supply Solutions for more information about our services.