Open. Dog Creek Slide erosion mitigation construction complete. Geotechnical investigations and analysis, and surface water management upgrades for the ancient Hodgson Slide ongoing.
Highway 20 at Hodgson Road/Dog Creek Road, southwest of Williams Lake.
Highway 20 is open and is safe for public travel through the slide area. Long-term restoration options are currently being explored to determine a safe and climate resilient solution for the Hodgson slide.
Work includes:
Notification of project-related fieldwork or construction is posted on this page in advance. For the latest information on road conditions, please visit DriveBC.
We will have more information on timelines when our technical work on the Hodgson Slide is complete.
An information session was held in Williams Lake on June 4, 2024 regarding the Highway 20 at Hodgson/Dog Creek Road Project.
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Progress updates
2024 Onsite works complete
A number of activities were completed in the project area in 2024, including the following:
More information on the surface water management strategy, Hodgson Slide mitigation and Dog Creek Slide mitigation can be found by clicking on the Presentation Display Boards link in the Public Engagement section.
November 2023
An information session was held in Williams Lake on November 15, 2023 regarding the Highway 20 at Hodgson/Dog Creek road Project
September 2022
The Cariboo Regional District and the City of Williams Lake released a study identifying areas of land movement in the area over three years.
July 2022
Well water testing was conducted at residences in Williams Lake as part of further investigations of the slides.
March 2022
A program-wide engagement period was held to introduce the public to the projects, providing context and an overview of the background, process, and short-listed options being explored.
December 2021
Geotechnical investigations, including drilling work, were completed on-site. Subdivision took place.
November 2021
An in-person drop-in session at Kersley Hall was held to provide updates on the Highway 20 at Hodgson Road Project.
September 2021
The rideability of the road was improved, including all four lanes and several hundred meters of paving.
Summer 2021
Sections of Highway 20 and portions of provincial side roads damaged by ground movement were repaired.
Spring 2021
During the spring freshet, multiple historic landslides were reactivated along Highway 20 at Hodgson/Dog Creek Road.
March 2025
Through March, crews will be onsite at various locations within the project area to gather monitoring information as part of ongoing project planning. Crew members will be wearing vests, and drivers are asked to use caution if crews are working near a road.
November 2024
A number of activities are underway or were completed in the project area this fall, including the following:
More information on surface water management, Dog Creek Slide mitigation and Hodgson Slide mitigation can be found by clicking on the Presentation Display Boards link in the Public Engagement section below.
September 2024
Activity in the project area is increasing this fall, starting with construction for the second phase of surface water management work. Starting in early September and continuing for approximately six weeks, crews will install drainage infrastructure underneath Highway 20 near the Fairview Drive/Terra Ridge intersection.
This work, which includes upgrades to ditches, culverts and piped systems to support the movement of rainwater and snow melt from the upslope area of the project to the downslope area, will require intermittent Highway 20 lane closures. At least one lane in each direction will be maintained during construction and signage and traffic control will be in place.
Geotechnical drilling within the Hodgson Slide area is also scheduled to resume mid-September. Residents may see drilling crews and equipment onsite, as the project team gathers more information on the subsurface conditions of the Hodgson Slide.
Dog Creek Slide erosion mitigation construction is anticipated to start later this fall. More information will be provided closer to the start of that work.
Drivers are asked to proceed with caution when crews are working near roads.
August 2024
This month, crews will be on-site at various locations within the project area to locate utility infrastructure. Additional site visits are expected as part of ongoing project planning – crew members will be wearing vests as they gather information within the project area. Drivers are asked to use caution if crews are working near a road.
April 2024
In April, crews will be carrying out an inventory of approximately 50 domestic water wells in the Hodgson Slide area as part of ongoing project planning. Crews will be requesting access to residential properties to take photo of wells and discussing any information residents can provide on their wells. The door-to-door survey is voluntary and crews will not collect any information without approval.
March 2024
Crews will be onsite multiple times in March to gather information as part of ongoing project planning. Residents in the area may see crew members wearing vests and walking throughout the project area. Drivers are asked to use caution if crews are tracking observations near a road.
February 2024
As a part of ongoing project planning, property survey work is being done within the Hodgson Slide area in February.
Residents in the area may see crew members walking the site in vests and using survey equipment to conduct their work.
Drivers are asked to use caution when passing through the area.
Fall 2023
Crews will be onsite this fall to perform two pieces of work: geotechnical drilling and Phase 1 of surface water management fieldwork.
Traffic control will be in place as needed. To ensure the public’s safety, we ask residents to stay away from work areas.
September 2023
As part of ongoing project planning, field surveys are scheduled to take place within Ministry of Transportation and Transit right-of-way, starting the week of September 11, 2023. Crews will be surveying existing infrastructure located within the project area for approximately 8 days. Traffic impacts are not anticipated, but drivers should be aware that crew members will be working near roads.
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