Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek

Last updated on March 3, 2025

An aerial photo of Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek shows slide damage from April 2021. The project team was on-site carrying out inspections. April 2024

Open. Construction of safety and drainage improvements completed following multiple slides in 2021.

Notice of work – March 2025 

Crews will be onsite conducting survey work at various locations within the project area through April. Team members will be wearing vests, and drivers are asked to use caution when work is taking place near the road.

Location map

Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek Map Presents 4 options for moving the road for discussion, location of the railway and the area of the landslide

Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek is located approximately 46 km south of Quesnel.


After a comprehensive and technically driven process that began in late 2020, the Ministry has completed safety works in the Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek Project area. Work included widening the road shoulder, installation of approximately 350 metres of concrete roadside barriers, and construction of a new drainage ditch. The Ministry also repaved the road to improve overall road safety.

This decision followed extensive planning, detailed design work, and geotechnical investigations over the past three years. The Ministry prioritized implementing safety measures that would provide immediate improvements for road users.

Minor works are anticipated to resume in spring 2025. 

Traffic impacts

Notification of project-related fieldwork or construction is posted on this page in advance. For the latest information on road conditions, please visit DriveBC.


Construction began in August 2024 and was completed in November 2024. Minor works are anticipated to resume in spring 2025.

Public engagement

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Progress updates

November 2024

The Ministry has completed shoulder widening, the construction of 350 metres of concrete roadside barrier, drainage improvements, and re-paving along the affected stretch of Highway 97 near Cuisson Creek. Onsite work is anticipated to resume in the Project area in spring 2025.

August 2024
Construction began on the Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek Project, with two-way traffic maintained throughout the duration of the work.

April 2024
The Ministry announced plans to proceed with improvements to Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek. Upgrades will include the addition of shoulder protection and improved drainage.

February 2023
A geotechnical drilling program was carried out in the Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek Project area. Crews used a drill rig to create a test hole in the ground to collect soil and water samples.

March 2022
A program-wide engagement period was held to introduce the public to the projects, providing context and an overview of the background, process, and short-listed options being explored.

November 2021
An in-person drop-in session at Kersley Hall was held to provide updates on the Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek Project.

July 2021
Construction activities were completed, including fixing the cracked pavement and other surface damage to improve driving conditions.

April 2020
During the spring freshet, multiple historic landslides were reactivated along Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek. The crest of the erosion is approximately 10 metres from the highway shoulder.



August 2024
Construction on the Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek Project began in mid-August and is expected to continue for approximately two months. The Project team will be working to widen the shoulder of the road, install approximately 350 meters of concrete roadside barriers and construct a new drainage ditch. The road will also be repaved by the Ministry to improve overall road safety.

During this work, the southbound lane on Highway 97 will be closed and the speed limit through the construction area will be reduced to 50 km/h. Two-way traffic will be maintained at all times, and no delays are expected.

April 2024
The Province is proceeding with improvements on Highway 97 at Cuisson Creek.

October 2023
As part of ongoing project planning, field surveys took place on Church Road and Highway 97.


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Contact information

For more information contact:

Bill Leitch
Senior Advisor

Leah Malcolm
Project Manager

Media Inquiries Office