Blackwater Road at Knickerbocker Road

Last updated on March 4, 2025

Aerial view of Blackwater Road – May 2021

Open. Construction underway on depressurization wells to help mitigate movement of the Knickerbocker Slide.

Notice of work

Tree clearing work is currently underway for the month of March to prepare for the next phase of the project. Please drive with caution through the area.

Location map

Map showing slide area on Blackwater Road, located in western Quesnel, approximately 9 km from the city’s centre

Blackwater Road is located in western Quesnel, approximately 9 km from the city’s centre.


Blackwater Road is currently open, despite damage caused by the Knickerbocker Slide. The scope of the Blackwater Road project includes realignment and reinforcement of the road, plus mitigation measures intended to help prevent future landslides in the project area.

The project team undertook work to determine a safe and climate resilient solution, which included:

  • Options development, which includes investigations on soil and water
  • Environmental reviews and on-site inspections
  • Interim drainage and slope improvements

Project scope

The project scope includes the following:

  • Groundwater Depressurization (underway)
    • Installation of wells and pipes to reduce subsurface water pressure, helping slow movement of the slide
  • Realignment
    • Realignment of approximately 1.4 km of Blackwater Road away from the top of the slide
    • Restoring the lane and shoulder widths of Blackwater Road through the slide, along with repairs at the intersection of Wells Road
  • Bank Armouring
    • Armouring a section of the river bank
    • Removing material to reduce weight at the top of the North Fraser Slide to improve safety and increase the stability of the road
    • Installing bank armouring (protection) made of rock to help withstand river flows and ensure the river bank materials are held in place

Traffic impacts

Notification of project-related fieldwork or construction is posted on this page in advance. For the latest information on road conditions, please visit DriveBC.


Work is ongoing, with depressurization well installations underway.

Public engagement

An information session was held in Quesnel on November 9, 2023 regarding the Blackwater Road at Knickerbocker Road project.

You can share your feedback with the project manager. Use the subscribe feature to be informed of opportunities for public engagement and updates to this page. 



Progress updates

Fall 2024
As part of ongoing project planning, crews were on-site tree clearing and drilling the depressurization wells on Blackwater Road at Knickerbocker Road. This work involved drilling depressurization wells and monitoring points in the Knickerbocker Slide area.

Summer 2023
As a part of ongoing project planning, work was undertaken on Blackwater Road. Crews were on site monitoring test pumping equipment and undertaking environmental and geotechnical investigations, including collecting soil and water samples, to inform the project design.

May/June 2023
Crews installed and connected subsurface instrumentation for test pumping, including cables and a hydro pole, for a pilot dewatering system that will inform project design. This work began on May 29 for approximately one month.

March 2022 
An online engagement period was held to introduce the Cariboo Road Recovery Projects and gather feedback.

February 2022 
Monitoring stations were installed, allowing for further reconnaissance as long-term options are developed.

November 2021
An in-person drop-in session at Kersley Hall was held to provide updates on the Blackwater Road at Knickerbocker Hill Project. 

Fall 2021 
Temporary resurfacing of Blackwater Road was completed to improve rideability for road users.

The Knickerbocker Slide caused distortions to the surface of Blackwater Road.



December 2024
Crews are on-site placing large containers to protect and house depressurization wells. This work involves access road and site preparation followed by the installation of these containers over the wells.

Please be aware that trucks will be present and minor traffic delays are expected during this time. We appreciate your patience and remind everyone to drive with caution through the construction zone.

September 2024
As part of ongoing project planning, crews will be on-site tree clearing and drilling of the depressurization wells on Blackwater Road at Knickerbocker Road is ongoing. This work will involve drilling depressurization wells and monitoring points in the Knickerbocker Slide area.

Please be aware that trucks will be present and minor traffic delays are expected during this time. We appreciate your patience and remind everyone to drive with caution through the construction zone

November 2023
As a part of ongoing project planning, test pumping equipment continues to be monitored.


Photo gallery ​

Contact information

For more information contact:

Reid Drummond
Project Manager

Media Inquiries Phone