Conformance Standards

Last updated on June 3, 2024

The conformance standards for developing interfaces to the ministry's health information exchange (HIE) systems include:

  • Application enforced rules
  • Business rules
  • Message specifications and transport protocols
  • Privacy and security rules
  • Training development and delivery

BC Conformance Standards v3.4

The following matrix provides the conformance packages for each domain:

Domain Client Registry PharmaNet Provider & Location Registry Provincial Lab Information Solution
Volume 1
Privacy & Security:
Volume 2
Business Rules:
Volume 3A
Volume 3B      
Volume 3C      
Volume 3D      
Volume 3E      
Application Enforced Rules:
Volume 4A
Volume 4B      
Volume 4C      
Volume 4D      
Volume 4E      
Transport Protocols:
Volume 5C      

Conformance Standards Description

Glossary of Terms (PDF, 726KB):

Defines each key term, acronym, and abbreviation that is included in the Conformance Standards.

Volume 1 – Overview and Conformance Processes (PDF, 691KB):

Provides an overview of HIE with ministry systems; outlines the content of the conformance volume set; and explains the processes and requirements for organizations to access ministry HIE systems..

Policy for Secure Remote Access to PharmaNet v1.1 (PDF, 416KB):

Describes the information privacy and security rules that apply to end users accessing PharmaNet from a location outside a PharmaNet site, and the requirements of their organizations and their PharmaNet software vendors.

Note: End-users accessing remotely under this policy must be enrolled in PRIME. Remote access is explicitly prohibited under COMPAP and MPAP agreements.

Volume 2 – Privacy and Security (PDF, 612KB): 

Describes the information privacy and security rules that apply to all software solution providers. 

Volume 3 – Business Rules: 

Volume 3A describes the general business, privacy, and security rules that apply to all points of service (POS) accessing and exchanging health information with the Ministry.

Each domain has its own volume of business rules:

Volume 4 – Application Enforced Rules:

Volume 4A describes the general rules and controls required of applications interfacing to the ministry’s HIE systems.

Each domain also has its own volume of application rules:

* Note: At this time there are no new integrations permitted to use the HIAL transport mechanism. Since the HIAL is the only transport mechanism used to integrate with PLIS, new integrations with PLIS are not permitted until a new transport mechanism is determined. There are no known timelines for a new transport mechanism for PLIS; it could potentially be a year or more. In the meantime, existing applications with access to PLIS are permitted to continue.

Volume 5 – Transport Protocols:

The following documentation provides an overview of the technical mechanisms by which POS systems can connect to ministry HIE systems.

Each protocol has its own set of standards and message specifications:

Note: New vendors must use the API Gateway for PharmaNet integration. 

Other Development Resources

The following development resources are available for services not included in the conformance standards:

Contact Us

For more information about the conformance standards, please contact the Conformance, Integration and Standards (CIS) team at: