Learn about applying metadata tags to your CMS Lite page.
A Tag Collection in CMS Lite enables users to:
The values selected in a tag collection become metadata tags on a webpage.
What is metadata?
Metadata is information about the content of a webpage. This information helps users search for information more efficiently.
The purpose of these tags is to help users narrow down their search results. By applying these metadata tags, information on a webpage can be filtered to show only the terms most relevant to what the user is searching for.
When creating tags, include terms or vocabularies relevant to the page's specific subject area.
Tags must first be created by a CMS Lite user authorized to manage tag collections. Collections are created and/or managed by the user with guidance from Corporate Online Services.
Contact the GDX Service Desk at gdx.servicedesk@gov.bc.ca for further details.
Learn how to add social media tagging for your CMS Lite page.