Social media tagging for your CMS Lite page

Last updated on January 9, 2024

Find out how to customize how a page link appears when shared on X (formerly Twitter) or Facebook.

On this page

Overview of social media tagging

Social media tagging for a webpage means adding specific tags to your CMS Lite pages that enhance how they appear when shared on social media platforms like Facebook or X (formerly called Twitter).

These tags make the shared link more visually appealing and informative by allowing you to display a custom:

  • Image
  • Title
  • Brief description

These tags work through elements called Twitter Cards and Facebook Open Graph metadata.

What it looks like with social media tagging


When someone shares the link, it will look something like this on Facebook:

Screenshot showing Facebook link share preview with large image, title, and succinct description

X / Twitter

When someone shares the link, it will look something like this on X (formerly Twitter):

TwitterCard preview showing large image, title, and succinct description

What it looks like without social media tagging

If you don't follow these steps, shares of your site will look more like these:


Screentshot showing Facebook share preview with no FacebookOG tagging applied. No image, and no control over the title and description.

X / Twitter

X (Formerly Twitter) will only display a normal link if you don't add TwitterCard tagging.

How to add social media tagging

Screenshot of Tags tab before adding a Tag Collection

To add social media tagging:

  1. On the Tags tab, Click "Add Tag Collection". Add the following tag collections: 
    • Facebook-OG
    • TwitterCard
  2. Change Twitter "summary" to "summary_large_image" for a larger preview

Screenshot of TwitterCard showing change from "summary" card to "large summary" card

  1. Add:
    • Image (size: 1200 x 628 pixels)
    • Title
    • Description (Make the description short, concise and load the best information at the front)
  2. Save, publish and debug. (You need to be signed into Twitter and Facebook to access debuggers which scrape your website for the updated OG data)
    1. Twitter card Validator: 
    2. Facebook debugger:

Screentshot showing Title, Description, and Image fields filled in for Facebook-OG and TwitterCard tag collections