Auxiliary conversion is changing the status of an employee from auxiliary to regular. This is a very complex issue. Supervisors are advised to contact AskMyHR by submitting a service request with the category My Team/Organization > Employee & Labour Relations > Employee Status Change to be directed to an HR Specialist for information and guidance when they believe they have an employee that may be eligible for auxiliary conversion to regular status.
For Bargaining Unit auxiliary employees, seniority determines the order in which employees are laid off and recalled. Seniority is based on hours worked at straight time rates within a single seniority unit. Seniority units are outlined in the Component Agreements. Overtime doesn't count towards seniority. In order to determine seniority and layoff, run a PeopleSoft report.
PeopleSoft has two reports that assist you to manage your auxiliary employee seniority, layoff, and recall. You need additional access to run these reports.
To access:
To get access to BC-RPTSAUX:
For detailed instructions on running a report:
Run an Auxiliary Seniority or Recall Report.
Watch the video on how to run an Auxiliary Seniority or Recall Report.
If an employee asks about their seniority compared with other employees, supervisors can only reveal whether or not there are others with more seniority. They must not reveal the identity of the employees. If you post a seniority list, it can only include employee numbers and not names, position numbers, titles, or anything else that identifies employees.
If you're required to lay off an employee in a seasonal or on-call auxiliary position, check first to see if there are any auxiliaries within the same seniority unit at the same classification with fewer seniority hours. If there are, the employee with the fewest hours, therefore the least amount of auxiliary seniority, must be laid off.
If the auxiliary employee to be laid off is a seasonal employee or has come to the end of their term, they can't bump a junior employee out of that junior employee's current work assignment. See the definitions of auxiliary appointments.
Recall is when an auxiliary employee who has been laid off is brought back to perform the same auxiliary work in the same classification and seniority unit. BCGEU employees retain their right to recall for nine months from the date they last worked. The recall of employees must be in order of seniority of employees that are qualified to do the work within the seniority unit. Excluded employees don't have recall rights and are not laid off; their assignments end.
What does it mean to be an auxiliary employee?
Auxiliary appointments are a form of temporary work assignment for non-regular status employees. Examples include seasonal workers like park rangers or aquatic biologists, or a project manager hired for the duration of a specific project. Auxiliary appointments can be to either union (included) or non-union (excluded) positions.
What does “included” mean?
You might hear the terms “included”, “bargaining unit” or “union” employees. These terms all refer to the same thing: employees whose positions belong to one of the 3 main unions in the BC Public Service (BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU), the BC Nurses’ Union (BCNU), and the Professional Employees Association (PEA)).
Similarly, you might hear both “excluded” and “non-union” in reference to positions in the BC Public Service which don’t belong to a union.
What do the terms “in-service” and “out-of-service” mean?
An auxiliary employee achieves in-service status after working at least 30 days (210 hours) after which they can apply to internal/in-service competitions. Out of service employees cannot apply to internal/in-service postings.
Do I have to serve a probation period?
Auxiliary employees are subject to probation in the same way as regular employees are. Read more about the probationary period.
Will I have performance reviews?
Auxiliary employees participate in performance reviews in the same way as regular employees.
Am I eligible for paid vacation and sick time?
If you are an auxiliary employee, you receive vacation pay (6% of regular earnings) on top of your hourly pay in lieu of paid time off. You can choose to take up to 15 days off without pay after you’ve worked a period of 6 months. Once you’ve worked 1827 hours in 33 pay periods, you will still be an auxiliary employee, and you will be eligible for paid vacation time.
All auxiliary employees are eligible for paid sick leave after accumulating 400 auxiliary hours. Sick leave is paid at 60% of normal average straight-time earnings for each period of illness up to a maximum of 15 weeks. This benefit has a waiting period of seven calendar days for each occasion of illness which means that benefits are paid starting on day 8. For complete details, refer to article 31.8 (Weekly Indemnity) of the BCGEU Main Agreement.
All employees, including auxiliary, who have been employed for at least 90 days are entitled to up to five instances of Employment Standards Act Paid Illness and Injury leave (ESAPII) in each calendar year. Employees must request ESAPII leave when on an absence due to illness or injury – it doesn’t happen automatically.
Am I eligible for health benefits?
All auxiliary employees receive an allowance in lieu of health and welfare benefits until they have completed 1827 hours worked in 33 pay periods, with the same ministry. Once this requirement is met, they may enroll in the health benefit plans. Specific details can be found on the following pages Benefits for Bargaining Unit Employees and Benefits for Excluded Employees on Careers & MyHR.
Auxiliary employees in the BCGEU are also eligible for health benefits once they have worked three consecutive years with the same ministry without a loss of seniority and maintaining 1200 hours at the straight-time rate in the past 26 pay periods. These employees are eligible for extended health, dental and life insurance plans.
Am I eligible for employer paid maternity/parental leave benefits?
Auxiliary employees without benefits are not eligible to receive maternity/parental leave top up payments offered as a benefit to regular employees. Your leave is per the BC Employment Standards Act. However, once an auxiliary employee becomes eligible for benefits, they will also become eligible for contractual leaves and benefits, including maternity and parental leaves.
As an auxiliary employee, do I contribute to the Public Service Pension Plan? Or why are these deductions suddenly coming off my paycheque?
Auxiliary employees begin making contributions to the Public Service Pension Plan when they earn a salary that is higher than 50% of the maximum amount of earnings on which pension contributions are calculated in a calendar year. The year’s maximum pensionable earnings (YMPE) is set by the Government of Canada. For example, the maximum pensionable earnings amount for 2025 is $71,300. Once an auxiliary earns over $35,650 in 2025, they would start contributing to the Public Service Pension Plan and would see “Superannuation Plan” deductions start to come off their paycheque.
Note: Employees who are currently members of the Public Service Pension Plan and meet certain requirements have the option to buy service for periods when they were not making pension contributions. This allows them to increase their pension. This also applies to the time when auxiliary employees were working before they reached the 50% earnings threshold mentioned above. Deadlines and conditions apply. To learn more about your pension, visit MyHR.
If I accept an auxiliary appointment with another ministry, will my hours for benefits carry over with me to the new ministry?
No, hours towards eligibility for benefits must be earned from the same ministry. Hours cannot be carried with you to another ministry.
When can I apply on internal BC Public Service postings?
Auxiliary employees who have worked in excess of 30 days (210 hours) will be recognized as in-service applicants when applying for regular positions.
Does time spent working in an auxiliary position count toward years of continuing service?
Provided there has not been a severance of the employment relationship, yes, for hiring purposes, time working in an auxiliary position does count toward years of continuing service.
When and how do I become a regular employee?
Auxiliary employees are eligible for consideration for conversion to regular status the month after they have worked 1827 hours in 33 pay periods in a continuous full-time or continuous part-time nature. Conversion to regular status is the exception rather than the norm. In most cases, auxiliary appointments are terminated before reaching 1827 hours, or after reaching 1827 hours but are nevertheless deemed to still be temporary in nature.
For example, if an auxiliary employee is hired to cover a 52-week maternity/parental leave but the person on leave decides they want to take additional time off, the auxiliary employee would not qualify for conversion to regular status as their term would end once the employee returns from their leave.
The decision to convert an auxiliary appointment to permanent status rests with the Employer.
Included auxiliary employees who belong to the BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU) can find more detailed information on seniority, layoff and recall related to being an auxiliary in the BCGEU Main Agreement under articles 31.3 (Seniority), 31.4 (Loss of Seniority) and article 31.5 (Layoff and Recall).
What is recall status? What does it mean for me?
Bargaining unit auxiliary employees who are on layoff status have 9 months in which the ministry can recall them if work is available, and they qualify to carry out the work. If an employee is not recalled within 9 months, they are terminated as that is the end of the recall period.
Excluded auxiliary employees don’t have recall rights once their position ends; they are considered terminated, at which point access to the Recruitment Management System (RMS) and internal job postings also ends.
Is there anything I need to do at the end of my auxiliary appointment before I move to recall status?
Recall status applies to bargaining unit auxiliary employees. Once their term ends or lay off occurs, they have recall rights to the same work for up to 9 months from the date of layoff. No action is required to activate their recall rights, it is automatically generated by the end of term date for the appointment in the PeopleSoft system. Managers can send them a layoff letter, but that is not needed to trigger recall rights.
I currently have health and life insurance benefits, when will they terminate if I am on layoff?
Benefits will continue to the last day of the month of layoff.
Can I continue my benefits during layoff?
You can continue your benefits while on layoff by paying the premiums for up to 6 months. You must complete an Option to Continue Employee Benefits While on Leave of Absence Without Pay or Layoff form and submit to AskMyHR. You will receive a statement of cost and you must pay the full cost or submit monthly postdated cheques within 30 days of the beginning of your layoff.
For more information, visit the Benefits while on leave or layoff page on Careers and MyHR.
Once my auxiliary appointment ends and I’m on recall status, how do I apply for internal job postings without an IDIR?
If you provided a personal email address in Employee Self Service, your personal email address will become your login ID to access your Recruitment Management System (RMS) account (the BC Public service Job Opportunities site).
If you did not enter a personal email address into Employee Self Service before your auxiliary appointment came to an end, you will need to send an email to to have your profile updated. Once this is complete you will receive an email asking you to reset your password to access the RMS system to view and apply for internal job postings.
If I am an auxiliary employee, can I have my contract renewed or do I have to go through a competition for the job again?
The extension of an auxiliary appointment is the same as the renewal of an auxiliary appointment. An auxiliary appointment can be extended /renewed without participating in another hiring competition. Some ministries issue an annual letter to auxiliary employees stating that they will continue to be an auxiliary employee, but this is not the same as extending an existing auxiliary appointment and is not an actual job offer. The employee is still subject to layoff and recall over the course of the term stated in that letter, which is usually for the fiscal year.
Are auxiliary employees able to apply for Temporary Appointments (TA) if the employee meets the other job requirements?
Yes, if an auxiliary employee has in-service status (has worked at least 210 hours) and becomes the successful candidate, the TA becomes a new auxiliary appointment.
Why do I need to compete for a permanent position if I am already in the role as an auxiliary employee?
There are two paths available for an auxiliary employee to become a regular employee: to apply and win a hiring competition to be hired into a regular position, and conversion from auxiliary status to regular status. Because conversion is rare, competing for regular, permanent status roles it the most common path forward, even if the employee is already in the role as an auxiliary.
Am I eligible for the Pacific Leaders program?
Auxiliary employees are not eligible to apply for Pacific Leaders scholarships.
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This service is only accessible to employees with a valid government IDIR. If you're an employee, but don’t have an IDIR, contact the BC Public Service Agency.