When you arrive, either your supervisor or a 'welcome buddy' will meet you.
They will:
Your supervisor will also review the plan for your first week and discuss:
At the end of the day, follow up with your supervisor to discuss how the day went. Be sure to mention if there's anything you need, including any workplace accommodations.
Your supervisor will make sure that you get:
These items may not be ready on day one. Your supervisor can find out if there will be wait times.
Your IDIR is an ID and password you use to log in to work devices and applications. Your supervisor will give you an IDIR and temporary password. When you log in for the first time, you'll need to change your password.
Once you're logged in, you can:
Validate your IDIR on your second day of work. Some government applications require you to validate your IDIR:
Review the B.C. government website, your ministry website and your ministry intranet. A few other sites that you'll want to check out include:
Every employee has a profile to make it easier to connect with others across government. Make sure your contact information is current:
You may also want to remind your supervisor to add you to any distribution lists.
During your tour of the building and workplace, you'll receive instructions on how to stay safe in an emergency. You should also take some time to review general health and safety standards for the workplace:
You should also find out who your ethics advisor is in case you need to talk to someone about ethical concerns or inappropriate behaviour.
Forms are listed by topic below.
For fastest service, scan and submit forms via an online AskMyHR (IDIR restricted) service request.
Follow the directions on the form, or use the category Myself (or) My Team or Organization > Submit a Form or Document.
Personal information
Provide your personal and contact info to get set up in human resources.
Note: TD1-IN – Supervisors can sign the form given a formal telework agreement is in place as this meets the “required to work on reserve” requirement, even if working on the reserve is voluntary
Make sure you're enrolled!
This step is definitely no fun, but it’s essential. Getting enrolled is not automatic and it’s time sensitive.
If you're transferring between a bargaining unit and excluded position, enrol for the benefits program that corresponds to your new position.
Benefits for bargaining unit (union) employees
Find out how to complete your forms online. Save each form before you submit it.
Benefits for excluded (non-union) employees
Choose flexible benefits options and complete forms for excluded employees.
Benefits for auxiliary employees. Auxiliary employees can to enrol for benefits after completing 1,827 hours of work in 33 pay periods with the same ministry. Until then, they receive an allowance in lieu of benefits.
Learn more: Auxiliary Appointments FAQ.
Register for online access. Once you're enrolled for benefits, register for Canada Life GroupNet to get online access to check benefits info or submit claims.
Union dues
If you're a new bargaining unit employee, you need to authorize payment of your union dues as part of a collective agreement.
A signed copy of the form is to be retained in the ministry’s employee file only. Do not submit this form to AskMyHR.
Standards of Conduct
Public servants use Collective Agreements and ethics and Standards of Conduct to guide how they work. They're committed to delivering government services, programs and policies in ways that maintain and enhance the trust and confidence of British Columbians.
Appropriate use of information (IM/IT agreement)
Agree to follow the appropriate use policy when accessing and managing government information.
Ask questions or get more information: Onboarding.Support@gov.bc.ca