The first year

Last updated on January 2, 2024

Review the Standards of Conduct and oath of employment

Text book icon

Complete your annual review of the Standards of Conduct and oath through an online course (IDIR restricted).

Set a reminder in your calendar to complete this step each year.

Complete your first performance review

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Everyone in the BC Public Service takes part in a performance review each year. It's a great opportunity to measure how you're doing at work and set career goals.

You and your supervisor will meet regularly to discuss your professional successes and challenges.

Explore career development opportunities

Road sign icon

Coaching services and learning opportunities can help you excel at your job and advance in your career. 

Find out more about:

  • Coaching services help employees achieve individual, team and organizational results
  • Pacific Leaders scholarships and student loan forgiveness for public servants and their children
  • Learning Centre programs offer a variety of formal, informal and experiential training and learning opportunities
  • Career support services offer free confidential and professional advice to help with career-related planning and decision-making, effective coping skills and managing career transitions

Visit the events calendar

Calendar icon

Use the corporate events calendar to find local events that you can join.

Stay healthy


The BC Public Service values employee health and well-being and offers programs and resources to support employees:

Information for managers

Ask questions or get more information: