Submission for Tenders Expires: September 28, 2023
Project Number: 14137-0000
Contract ID:14137MJ0000
Location: Located Approximately 1.28 km north of the intersection with Hwy 5 and Carolin Mine Road in Hope, BC (Approx. N49.486511° , W121.252942° )
Description: The Aurum Road washout was triggered by the November 2021 rainfall event during which significant debris (predominantly sands and gravels) traveled downslope, forming a wide erosion channel and depositing as an alluvial fan across Highway 5 and Carolin Mine Road. This tender is related to grading works, supply and installation of new concrete barriers, full depth gravel road reconstruction and realignment, culvert removal and replacement, channel works and gravel spillway installation, and site reconstruction.
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