Project No. 14009-0001

Last updated on May 15, 2024

Kenyon Creek DFAA Flood Damage

Submission for Tenders Expires: June 7, 2024

Project Number: 14009-0001

Contract ID: 14009MJ0001

Location: Sunshine Coast, BC near Halfmoon Bay Service Area 05, LKI 2568: District 1, km 28.70, SA05-614-01- Kenyon Creek, Redrooffs Road at Kenyon Creek Culvert (crossing at Cove Beach Road).

Description: Design and construction of culvert replacement and road repair due to washed out road and culvert failure, 1 site: Redrooffs Road at Kenyon Creek Culvert (crossing at Cove Beach Road).



Document Description


Cross Sections - Kenyon Creek


Geotechnical Report – Project Sunshine Coast DFAA Sites – Redrooffs Site Near Sechelt, BC, by WSP E&I Canada Limited


Environmental Overview Assessment - Kenyon Creek at Redrooffs Road Sechelt, BC, by PGL Environmental Consultants


Environmental Monitoring Report, by Barsanti Environmental Services Ltd.


Change Approval Application Number 100403050 for Kenyon Creek and Flume Creek Culvert and Bank Stabilization Works, by PGL Environmental Consultants


Supplement Information to Support Change Approval Application Number 100403050 for Kenyon Creek and Flume Creek Culvert and Bank Stabilization Works, by PGL Environmental Consultants


Environmental Permits Drawings Sealed 2024-02-09


Kenyon Creek Culvert Design Amendment Rationale, by PGL Environmental Consultants

9 Arborist Summary Report - Redroofs Road and Day Road, Sechelt, BC by PGL Environmental Consultants
10 Kenyon Creek DFAA Flood Damage Recovery Project - FortisBC and SCRD Utility Coordination, Memo by Urban Systems