Project No. 38089-0000

Last updated on July 12, 2024

Henry Road Bridge Replacement No. 07067

Submission for Tenders Expires: August 14, 2024

Project Number: 38089-0000

Contract ID: 38089MJ0000

Location: The Site is located on Henry Road, adjacent to Highway No. 16, northwest of Smithers, BC; Segment 1525; LKI 64.45.

Description: The general nature of the work to be carried out includes: Mobilization, Quality Management, Environmental Management, Traffic Management, Signing, Removal and disposal of the existing 2.6m diameter culvert. The realignment of the existing Kathlyn Creek Channel. Reconstruction/widening of Henry Road, for a distance of 165 metres concrete girder bridge carrying Henry Road over the realigned channel of Kathlyn Creek.



Document Description


Kathlyn Creek III and Henry Road - Environmental Assessments Report


Geotechnical Assessment and Design Report


Construction Staging - Sketch


Wire Height - Sketch


Sample of acceptable Barrier Mounted Swing Style Sign Assemblies