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There’s never been a better time to Buy BC and support local growers, producers and the food we love right here in BC.
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BC Corrections helps keep British Columbians safe by managing adults who are in custody or under community supervision.
BC Corrections provides secure custody for individuals awaiting trial as well as for individuals serving sentences of less than two years.
BC Corrections operates probation offices that supervise individuals serving community sentences, such as bail or probation orders. We work with individuals under our supervision in custody and the community to learn better ways of responding to the world around them and reduce reoffending.
In addition, BC Corrections:
BC Corrections provides individuals in custody and in the community with the opportunity to take programs to address:
The Investigations and Standards Office is an independent body of the Ministry of Attorney General. Its responsibilities include investigating complaints made by inmates at provincial correctional centres and probationers supervised in the community.