Corrections research and evaluation

Last updated on November 22, 2024

Performance, Research and Evaluation unit

The Performance, Research and Evaluation (PREv) unit takes an evidence-based approach to develop, implement and evaluate BC Corrections’ programs, to ensure our programs, policy and practice are driven by data.

The PREv unit considers empirical research and correctional best practice to support the work that happens across our organization every day. Learn about BC Corrections programs and interventions that are supported by the work of our PREv unit.

On this page

Study findings

The PREv unit produces a newsletter about their current research and findings called Revealing Research and Evaluation:




The SAM Program Impact Analysis examines the impact of the Substance Abuse Management Program on reducing recidivism.

The EMWO and RSWO Program Impact Analysis examines the impact of the Emotions Management and Relationship Skills for Women programs on reducing recidivism.

The Integrated Offender Management Program Impact Analysis: Research Report examines the impact of the Integrated Offender Management (IOM) pilot project on recidivism.

The IOM/HIP Pilot Project: Evaluation and Final Report examines the Integrated Offender Management/Homelessness Intervention Program.

The Impact of Respectful Relationships and Relationship Violence Treatment Programs on Spousal Assault and Recidivism reports on two violence-prevention programs and their effect on offenders serving sentences in custody and in the community.

The Nanaimo Correctional Centre Therapeutic Community Preliminary Impact Analysis is a preliminary report that shows the program has significant potential to reduce crime.

Contact our PREv unit

Are you interested in collaborating with our PREv unit on an academic research project or are you looking for more research into effective corrections practices? Before getting in touch, please first review our Research Guidelines which outline our expectations and research standards.

Contact our Director of Research and Strategic Planning:

Leigh Greiner, PhD
Strategic Operations Division
Corrections Branch, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J7

Tel: 778 698-8197