Victims of Crime

Last updated on March 3, 2021

Services are available to help you deal with the emotional, physical and financial effects of a crime. Government and non-profit organizations offer many free services and programs across British Columbia.

Services for crime victims include:

  • VictimLinkBC - a phone service that refers crime victims to help 24-hours a day
  • Victim Services - anyone who has been a victim of crime in British Columbia, their family members and witnesses can use victim services
  • Crime Victim Assistance Program - assists victims, immediate family members and some witnesses in coping with the effects of violent crime
  • Victim Safety Unit - provides victims with information about the accused or offender
  • Victim Travel Fund - provides funds for a family or victim to attend justice-related proceeding in B.C.
  • Protection Order Registry - a database of all civil and criminal protection orders that is designed to reduce violence against vulnerable people