Probation offices

Last updated on May 29, 2024

Approximately 17,000 individuals are under court-ordered supervision in communities across the province. Community Corrections staff are motivated and committed in their efforts to lead change every day.

Probation officers at 52 Community Corrections offices across B.C. seek better outcomes for everyone, by ensuring individuals are following their court orders and working closely with them to connect them with supports in the community, change their behaviour, and reduce reoffending.

The courts determine if an individual is placed under community supervision and the conditions they must follow. This can occur through different types of court orders:

  • Probation – Imposes a sentence or part of a sentence to be served in the community for a specified period of time, with conditions and under the supervision of a probation officer
  • Bail – Requires someone accused of a criminal offence to abide by conditions while they remain in the community until they appear in court to address their charges
  • Conditional sentences – A sentence with a maximum length of two years less a day, served in the community rather than in custody and supervised by a probation officer
  • Section 810 Recognizance – Under section 810 of the Criminal Code of Canada, the court may order a recognizance (commonly referred to as a peace bond) for a period no more than 24 months when there is a perceived threat of harm to the safety of a community or person. These orders do not require a criminal conviction
  • Alternative Measures – An alternative to court that provides an opportunity for people charged with less serious offences to be diverted out of the court system

To learn more about our Community Corrections Division and how individuals are supervised in the community, please visit our Community Corrections page.

Investigation and Standards Office

The Investigations and Standards Office is an independent body of the Ministry of Attorney General. Its responsibilities include investigating complaints made by inmates at provincial correctional centres and probationers supervised in the community.