This page provides links to resources that govern the BC Timber Sales program, including policy, key pieces of legislation, associated regulation, and information updates.
The following are important notices relevant to all business areas and registrants.
Important notices - all business areas - all registrants
​The following notices are business area specific. If you don’t find the information you are looking for or have questions specific to your area, please contact us.
Babine (TBA)
No updates or information releases at this time.
Cariboo-Chilcotin (TCC)
No updates or information releases at this time.
Seaward-tlasta (TST)
No updates or information releases at this time.
Chinook (TCH)
Chinook Business Area Newsletter:
Find more specific information and updates on Mt Elphinstone, Roberts Creek and Stephens Creek at Sunshine Coast Operating Area: Community engagement
Kamloops (TKA)
As per the Integrated Pest Management Act of British Columbia, Section 61(1), BC Timber Sales is developing an Integrated Pest Management Plan to ensure effective and safe vegetation control on crown land in the North Thompson region. The public is invited to review and comment on this plan, which will be active from 2024-2029.
Kootenay (TKO)
Okanagan-Columbia (TOC)
Peace-Liard (TPL)
No updates or information releases at this time.
Prince George (TPG)
The spruce beetle outbreak in the Omineca Region started in 2013 and has impacted areas of BC Timber Sales’ Prince George and Mackenzie operations.
Learn how BCTS is monitoring and managing the outbreak.
Skeena (TSK)
No updates or information releases at this time.
Strait of Georgia (TSG)
Stuart-Nechako (TSN)
No updates or information releases at this time.
The following policy bulletins and information give direction on conducting business with BC Timber Sales (BCTS).
Contact BCTS head office if you have questions about BCTS policies.
Policy changes
Advisory bulletins
For questions about business area updates and information releases contact:
For general questions about BC Timber Sales and policy, contact us: