BC Timber Sales - Sustainability of B.C. forests

Last updated on August 12, 2024

BC Timber Sales takes multiple actions in support of sustainable forest management (PDF, 375KB).

Sustainability is a commitment to careful planning and forest management practices that maintain healthy forest ecosystems while providing for a variety of social, economic and cultural benefits.

Sustainability is understanding the risks and changes brought about by climate change and adapting forest management plans and activities to enhance resilience to wildfire and other natural disturbances.

Sustainability is supporting a value-added economy to achieve more value for resources harvested from our forests, submitting to third-party certification of BCTS forestry practices and reducing single-use plastics in our silviculture programs.

Sustainability is about meaningful engagement with First Nations, interested parties and the public on our plans and activities.

Explore our approaches to sustainability

Forest stewardship 

Sustainable forest management is stewardship that maintains a balance between a healthy environment and economic sustainability.

More about forest stewardship

Forest Stewardship Plans

northern bc with snow capped mountains in the distance

A forest stewardship plan must be approved before authority is given to carry out activities including harvesting and road related activities. 

Understanding FSPs

Future forest

an image of tree seedlings

BCTS coordinates the production and distribution of 80 million seedlings for government-funded planting initiatives.

Explore Seedling Services

Wildfire resilience

seedlings in burnt stand

As wildfire risk continues to rise due to drought and climate change, a sustainable forest needs to be resilient in the face of these threats. 

Our approach to wildfire resilience

Forest certification

BC Timber Sales is committed to maintaining an environmental management system and following third-party sustainable forest management certifications.

Our certification process

Climate change action

a river flowing through steep hills in British columbia

Sound forest stewardship includes considering the potential risks and opportunities resulting from climate change in our planning and activities.

Climate change action strategy