BC Timber Sales

Last updated on January 31, 2025

BC Timber Sales (BCTS) manages 20 per cent of the province’s allowable annual cut for Crown/public timber and generates economic prosperity for British Columbians through the safe, sustainable development and auction of public timber. BCTS operates in 33 communities and directly supports over 8,000 jobs across B.C. 

Safety, reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and sustainable forest management (PDF, 290KB) are the three principles that guide all BCTS activities. The achievement of our principles and accompanying goal and objectives (PDF, 170KB) supports safety, reconciliation, sustainability, business excellence and economic prosperity for the benefit of all British Columbians.

BCTS guiding principles

Forest sector safety

BC Timber Sales is committed to continually improving forest sector safety. 

Our approach to safety


Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples is integral to BCTS’ long-term success.

Learn about our efforts

Sustainable forests

Maintaining and enhancing the long-term health of forest ecosystems.

Explore sustainability

Careers with BCTS 

workers surveying and alpine resource road

We believe motivated and proud employees are essential to being a high-performing program and having a strong, healthy and diverse workplace culture. BCTS has career opportunities across the province.

Contract opportunities at BCTS

Contract opportunities

BCTS advertises contract opportunities in forestry related areas such as planning, development, professional services and silviculture.

Explore contract opportunities

Timber Sale Licences

a harvest area as seen from across a lake

BCTS annually sells up to 13 million cubic metres of public timber through the competitive auction of licences.

Understanding timber sale licences

Defining success 

At BCTS we define success in different ways. It may be supporting a vibrant rural community or a successful partnership with a First Nation. 

How we measure success

Our locations 

BCTS' business area and field team offices are located in 33 communities across British Columbia. View our locations on a map.

Find our offices

Contact information

For questions about timber sales licences, contact the BCTS business area.

For general questions about BCTS and BCTS policy, contact us:

BC Timber Sales
V8W 9C1