Topic tab fields

The Topic tab is used to fill out the main content area of a webpage (the Content Well or body).
Make sure to complete all required fields marked with an asterisk (*) in both the Topic and Metadata tabs before publishing.
If [Save] is selected while the page is missing required fields, an error message will be displayed in the top-right corner of the Content Pane.
This is an optional field, limited to a maximum of 350 characters.
- A character count helps track your input, turning red when the limit is reached
- Character limit troubleshooting: If you recently deleted intro content and try to paste new content, the field may tell you that you are going over-limit. Add and remove any character (like a space), then try again.
This field has unlimited characters. You typically can use the full suite of formatting tools within this section.
Use the Editor toolbar to format content and add links, tables and videos.
Creating content with the topic tab
Character limits
The Intro field in the Topic tab has a 350-character limit. If you attempt to paste content that exceeds the limit, the field will be 'blanked out.'
Add a new space without creating a new paragraph
To create additional spacing without adding another paragraph block, position the cursor where the space is to be created and press the [Shift] + [Enter] keys.
Save your work frequently
Save your work before selecting the
- Occasionally, the toolbar does not display in the maximized view
- If this occurs, you must hit F5 to refresh the page which will take you back to the last save
Maximize the editor window
To make editing easier, you can maximize the editor window. There are three methods to maximize the window:
- Click on the grey vertical bar between the Navigation Pane and the Content Pane to collapse the Navigation Pane
- Use the
icon in the toolbar to expand the editor window to full browser capacity. Action buttons cannot be accessed in the view. Use the
icon again to return to the Content Pane
- Resize the editor window vertically by placing the cursor in the lower-right corner and dragging the editor downwards