Schedule Y - Designated Arbitrators

Last updated on August 16, 2016


What is the purpose of this Schedule?

Who develops the supporting documents to update the schedule?

When should the schedule be created?

When is this particular schedule used?

What is required for this schedule?



What is the purpose of this Schedule? The purpose of Schedule Y is provide an agreed to list of arbitrators to use when no agreement can be met through governance escalations.

Who develops the supporting documents  required to update the Schedule?

It is not contemplated that there will be additions to this schedule when onboarding a new service.
When should the schedule be created? N/A
When is this particular schedule used? This is used as a reference guide when implementing a project under the TSMA.
Tips: Designated arbitrators should only be used when the escalation process has failed to bring resolution.


Next Page: Schedule BB - Training


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