With over 38,000 employees, the BC Public Service makes positive impacts on the lives of British Columbians every day. Explore more than 200 different job types available for any career stage.
Average value of benefits and other employee programs on top of salary
Number of communities in which we work
Different job types - one employer
Yearly average of B.C. student loans forgiven through the Pacific Leaders Program
Taking care of people is part the work culture. The BC Public Service provides learning opportunities, work-life balance, competitive wages and benefits.
Learn more about what working in the BC Public Service is like on What the BC Public Service offers.
The BC Public Service is committed to creating a diverse workplace to represent the population we serve and to better meet the needs of our citizens. This includes Indigenous Peoples, racialized communities, immigrants, persons with disabilities and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
The Indigenous Applicant Advisory Service is available to Canadian Indigenous (First Nations [status or non-status], Métis, or Inuit) applicants.
No matter the career path, BC public servants are united in their commitment to loyally serve the people of British Columbia through their democratically elected government. This is realized by developing and delivering public programs or services, informing policy-making and providing evidence-based advice to leaders.
The BC Public Service’s work is informed by core values. The overarching value is Integrity in addition to six core corporate values: