Forms, guides and templates

Last updated on July 3, 2024

This page contains our current catalogue of archaeological forms, guides, templates, and agreements.

On this page

Archaeological assessment forms and guides

Archaeological MOU and agreements guide

The B.C. government has entered into agreements with First Nations and other provincial agencies. These agreements clarify responsibilities of each group and, in the case of First Nations, provide a more formal role in archaeological resource management.

The Heritage Conservation MOU highlights the importance of heritage protection and conservation during development projects and resource extraction. It establishes processes to effectively share information between the Province and Treaty 8 First Nations and enables the participation of Treaty 8 First Nations in heritage conservation.

Heritage Conservation Memorandum of Understanding with Treaty 8 First Nations (PDF 699 KB)

The Province may issue site alteration permits related to forestry activity in the vicinity of protected heritage trails. The MOU details the circumstances where this authority may be exercised.

Memorandum of Agreement on Trails with the Ministry of Forests (PDF 179 KB)

The Oil and Gas Commission changed its name to the BC Energy Regulator in Spring 2023; applicable legislation and published documentation may not yet reflect this change in full.

The BC Energy Regulator is authorized to issue site alteration permits under the Oil and Gas Commission Act. The primary purpose of this agreement is to harmonize the processes of the Archaeology Branch and the BC Energy Regulator where impact assessment work is permitted by the Archaeology Branch, but site alteration decisions for the same project are made by the BC Energy Regulator.

Protocol Agreement with the BC Energy Energy Regulator (formerly Oil and Gas Commission) (PDF 185 KB)

This agreement synchronizes forestry planning processes with recommended archaeological resource management steps. The protocol was developed with the Forest Practices Code in mind but this has been largely superseded by the Forest and Range Practices Act.

Protocol Agreement with the Ministry of Forests (PDF, 21.8 MB)

The Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group MOU is the result of three years of relationship-building allowing us to develop areas of common interest such as public education, archaeological planning process, interactions with local governments and the Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group role in the archaeological resource management process.

Memorandum of Understanding with the Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group (PDF 486 KB)

Archaeological resource management guides

Culturally Modified Tree guides

Forestry guides

Home owner and property development guides

Local government guides

Permit application templates

The Archaeology Branch also provides a permitting newsletter for individuals that regularly participate in the archaeological permitting process.

Permit forms and guides

The Archaeology Branch also provides a permitting newsletter for individuals that regularly participate in the archaeological permitting process.

Permit tracking with APTS

The Archaeology Branch also provides a permitting newsletter for individuals that regularly participate in the archaeological permitting process.

Repository guides

This document outlines the current process for institutions to be recognized as a qualified repository for materials collected under archaeological permits:

Shipwreck guides

Site form and mapping

The Archaeology Branch also provides a site inventory newsletter for individuals that regularly participate in the data submission process.

Spatial file templates

Please note that the former "Defining Archaeological Site Boundaries and Protection Status" and "Mapping and Spatial Requirements" documents have now been absorbed into the "Site Form and Mapping Requirements" PDF listed in the previous section.

Subsurface Testing Tool

Systems (APTS, PARL and RAAD)

Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about archaeological sites in B.C.

Archaeology Branch
PO Box 9816
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC
V8W 9W3
(By appointment)
Archaeology Branch
2975 Jutland Street
Victoria, B.C.