Report a contravention

Last updated on February 14, 2024

Archaeological sites on both public and private land are protected under the Heritage Conservation Act (HCA), whether they are known or not, and must not be altered without a permit.

Heritage Conservation Specialists 

The Archaeology Branch employs a Cultural Heritage Conservation Specialist to act as the single point of contact at the Archaeology Branch for acts of non-compliance with the HCA.

The Cultural Heritage Conservation Specialist reports directly to the Archaeology Branch Director, and works both internally with all sections of the Archaeology Branch, and externally with the Compliance and Enforcement Branch.

How to report a contravention 

While contraventions of the HCA are not common, they do occur. Suspected contraventions of the HCA are investigated by the Natural Resource Compliance and Enforcement branch. 

If you witness or are aware of a potential violation, please submit a Report of Natural Resource Violation using our online webform. Alternately, individuals can call 1-877-952-7277 (Option 2) toll-free, or #7277 on a cellphone. 

Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about archaeological sites in B.C.

Archaeology Branch
PO Box 9816
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 9W3
(By appointment)
Archaeology Branch
2975 Jutland Street
Victoria, B.C.