Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency Program

Last updated on March 19, 2025

The program is no longer accepting new applications, as funding requests have exceeded available funding. We thank all applicants for their interest in the program.

The Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency Program is designed to strengthen the resilience and preparedness of B.C.’s tree fruit sector against extreme weather events.

On this page:

The Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency (TFCR) Program invites eligible businesses to apply for a cost-shared funding opportunity that aims to increase farm-level resilience and preparedness to extreme weather events that threaten the competitiveness of British Columbia’s (B.C.) tree fruit sector. The program will provide 80 percent cost-share funding of up to $125,000 of eligible costs for eligible projects - up to a maximum of $100,000 per farm business.


The Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency Program invites commercial tree fruit producers in B.C. to apply for cost-share funding to purchase equipment, invest in infrastructure and implement innovative solutions to increase the resiliency of their existing current farming operations to extreme weather events.

The Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency (TFCR) Program is funded by the province.

Program goal

Increase the resilience of B.C.’s tree fruit sector by providing cost-share reimbursements to eligible farm businesses to address risks related to extreme weather events that are impacting existing orchards and operations.

Program objective

Increased preparedness and resiliency of the sector to anticipate, respond to and recover from weather events impacting existing orchards related to climate change.

Note: It is expected that there will be a high demand for this program. Funding will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis for all eligible completed applications. There is no guarantee that you will receive funding after you have completed an application to this program.

Important information 

  • The program is no longer accepting new applications, as funding requests have exceeded available funding. We thank all applicants for their interest in the program
  • Questions about your application? Email us at Include your application number in the subject line
  • Projects must not be started prior to when program funding approval is provided to the applicant.
  • Successful applicants will receive email instructions once the online claims portal is ready
  • Watch our webinar recording to learn more about the program
  • All projects must be completed by or before March 14, 2027

Dates and deadlines 

  • January 30, 2025 at 9am – Program application open until funds fully committed
  • February to March 2025 – Completed applications evaluated on a first-come first-served basis
    • Program staff will notify applicants of funding decision within eight weeks of application submission or resubmission.
  • Mid-April 2025 – Claims accepted online. Successful applicants will receive instructions by email
  • January 31, 2026 – Claim deadline for projects completed in 2025
  • January 31, 2027 – Claim deadline for projects completed in 2026
  • March 14, 2027 – Program end date

Eligibility criteria


Eligible applicants

To be eligible for the program, all applicants must:

  1. Be an existing tree fruit (apple, cherry, pear, and/or other stone fruit) producer in B.C., farming over one acre of tree fruits, whose primary purpose is the production and sale of tree fruit products.
  2. Be the owner or lessee of the land
  3. Be a taxable entity (e.g., individual, corporation or trust), limited partnership, commune, cooperative with a GST and business number, or First Nation Band
  4. Have their main farmstead in B.C. and file farm income tax (form T2042 or T1273) under the Income Tax Act in B.C
  5. Maintain the property as a commercial operation for at least four years after completion of the project

Group applications must meet all the above criteria for all farmers included in the group application.

Farm and corporate business owners

If you own both a farm  and a corporate business, both are considered eligible if program eligibility criteria is met by both businesses.


Indigenous applicants

The province is committed to supporting the success of Indigenous businesses in the agriculture and food sector. We understand that Indigenous businesses may have distinct characteristics reflecting regulatory, operational, cultural, and other factors. We aim for flexibility in our program delivery to reduce barriers and ensure the accessibility of our programs.

Indigenous applicants are encouraged to reach out to program staff with any questions.


Eligible project activities

Applicants are responsible for sourcing and selecting their own suppliers for their projects.


Extreme cold protection for tree fruit crops

  1. Protective covers and associated infrastructure
  2. Energy efficient heaters (propane or wood pellet)
  3. Wind machines
    • Fuel tanks required for operating wind machines are not eligible for funding

Supplemental information:


Extreme Heat Protection for Tree Fruit Crops

  1. Evaporative cooling systems (addition of overhead canopy sprinkler systems, fogging systems to existing irrigation system)
  2. Protective covers and associated infrastructure (e.g., shade/ and/or heat protection)

Supplemental Information:

  • It is recommended that for installation of evaporative cooling systems, the applicant get an updated irrigation design plan. This design plan should be provided by a certified irrigation designer registered with the Irrigation Industry Association of British Columbia (
  • For projects with installing evaporative cooling or fogging systems, applicants must attest to be licensed water users

Protection from unpredictable weather events for tree fruit crops

  1. Hail netting and associated infrastructure

Supplemental Information:


Innovative solutions eligibility details

If your farm would benefit from a piece of equipment or infrastructure not listed above and can demonstrate how it addresses a need directly related to increasing the resilience of your operation to extreme weather events, we encourage you to apply to the Innovative Solutions stream of funding.

Innovation Solutions projects require a greater amount of upfront information from interested applicants and additional communication between the applicant and program team should be anticipated. Please provide as much detail as possible, including relevant quotes and other supporting materials at the time of application.

Standards that must be met for a project to be considered for funding:

  • Must address a demonstrated need related to impacts of extreme weather events on tree fruit production.
  • Must not be prohibited or in contradiction of any regulations/authorizations required
  • The eligible and ineligible items and additional requirements (if any) are “To Be Determined” based on the information supplied in the application

The ministry will review Innovative Solutions projects for technical effectiveness and ability of the project to meet the outcomes of the program. The project cost-share (80%) may be adjusted downwards depending on the ability of the project activity to meet program outcomes. 


Group project details

Multiple applicants may apply for a group project for shared equipment or a project that will benefit more than one grower (e.g., application for a wind machine that benefits multiple growers with adjoining properties).

Funding Structure:

  • Cost-Share Rate: Consistent with individual applications, approved group projects are eligible for an 80 percent cost-share reimbursement
  • Maximum Funding: Each participating farm business can receive up to $100,000 in cost-share funding over the program's duration

Application Requirements:

  • Group project participants must submit their own individual application detailing the project's scope, benefits to their respective farm, and a comprehensive implementation plan
  • Group project participants must identify the legal business name of who they will be jointly applying for a group project with
  • Cost Allocation: The applicants will be asked to specify how costs and benefits are distributed among participants


  • Application for shared wind machine at $100,000: Two producers agree to share a wind machine costing $100,000. Each contributes $50,000. With an 80 percent cost-share, each receives $40,000 in reimbursement, leaving them each eligible to apply for an additional $60,000 in funding for other projects
  • Application for shared high-value equipment (> $300,000): For a group project exceeding $300,000, each participating producer can receive up to $100,000 in funding

Ineligible participants

  • Non-tree fruit farmers and non-commercial producers
  • Producers who do not meet the eligible applicant criteria
  • Landowners that are not a B.C. registered business entity
  • Farms without current Farm Status

Ineligible project activities

Projects that address flooding and wind events, such as tile drainage and vegetative buffers, are not eligible.

The program focuses on mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events that pose a direct and significant threat to viable commercial tree fruit production in B.C., such as extreme cold, heat, and unpredictable weather patterns.

While flooding and wind can impact tree fruit operations, they are generally not considered comparable to these core threats in terms of their overall risk to the sector.


Ineligible expenses

The following expenses are ineligible for reimbursement under the program:

  • GST
  • In-kind costs (including labour costs involving staff on the applicant’s own payroll)
  • Expenses incurred prior to project approval (for example, down payments paid before project approval) or after the project completion date
  • Infrastructure and equipment installed on land outside of B.C.
  • Purchase of typical farm equipment and related accessories or attachments (including tractors, skid steers and trailers)
  • Costs of ongoing activities including inputs such as sprays or other
  • Maintenance or repair costs unless specified as being eligible in the Appendices
  • Financing charges, loan interest payments, bank fees and charges
  • Maintenance or extended warranties on equipment, electronics, or technology purchases.
  • Duties or tariffs associated with importing equipment
  • Brokerage fees
  • The purchase or installation of fuel tanks
  • The purchase or installation of infrastructure or equipment that violate federal or provincial regulation
  • Monthly or annual subscription fees (e.g., satellite, cellular or internet uplinks for data transmission) or monthly or annual rental fees for equipment (e.g., orchard heaters)
  • Costs associated with removing and disposing of old equipment (e.g. renting a crane to remove a decommissioned wind machine)



Applications will be accepted starting on Thursday January 30, 2025, until funds are fully committed.

Projects must not be started prior to when program funding approval is provided to the applicant. Projects will be considered ineligible for funding if any portion of the project has been initiated prior to approval (excluding getting a quote). All projects must be completed by or before March 14, 2027.


Application process

The application process will consist of the following:

  • Register for a Basic or Business BCeID at
    • Save your user ID and password, as you’ll need them to submit your application and reimbursement claim
    • A BCeID is a secure, online account provided by the government of British Columbia, that allows individuals, businesses and organizations to access a wide range of provincial government services
  • Submit application through the Applicant Portal on Ministry of Agriculture and Food’s Program Operation Data System ( using your BCeID. You will be required to provide:
    • Business Information, including:
      • Legal Business Name
      • Contact Information
      • Canada Revenue Agency Business Number
      • Demographic Information
    • Evaluation Information, including:
      • PID (parcel identifier)
      • Project start and end dates
      • Project Activity
      • Description of the impacts of past extreme weather events on your tree fruit operation
      • Description of how this project will help reduce the impacts of extreme weather events on your farm
      • Total area (acres) that will be protected as a result of completing this project
      • Detailed project budget
        • The online application form includes a project budget template. Budget categories are project equipment and materials, rented equipment, contractor costs, hired labor, and other costs
        • You will be asked to provide the total amount and a short description for each category
        • The project budget must be submitted in Canadian dollars. Quotes in other currencies will be accepted
      • Supplier quote for infrastructure and equipment for applications greater than $5,000
      • Site Map
      • If your project requires a permit, provide the status of the permit and any supporting documentation at the time of application
      • The following are NOT required:
        • Copy of lease agreement
        • Copy of business tax forms

All applications and projects must comply with all relevant technical, environmental, permitting, and regulatory standards, as well as applicable federal, provincial, and local laws, including but not limited to the Agricultural Land Commission Act, the Agriculture Land Reserve Use Regulation, and zoning bylaws. It is the responsibility of the applicant, not the Program, to ensure compliance. 

Applications that intend to span more than one fiscal year must indicate the work that will occur in each project year and the budget associated with that work. Projects that span more than one fiscal year will still only be entitled to a maximum of $100,000 for the lifetime of the program per applicant. 

Program staff are available to answer questions regarding eligible activities, costs and/or the application process. Applicants can contact with any questions about the program or to receive support in developing their application.

Applicants are encouraged to include only activities they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.


Multiple project applications

An applicant can submit multiple project applications during the intake period. Complete applications are reviewed on a first-come, first served basis. You can only have one draft TFCR application in the online portal at any given time. The combined life of program farm cap per B.C. registered business entity remains.


Application adjudication and contract requirements

Upon submission, all applications will be reviewed first-come, first-serve. Project applications are screened and reviewed based on the following:

  • Ensuring application completeness and reasonableness
  • Applicant eligibility check
  • Ensuring project budget aligns with project activity
  • Project alignment and eligibility check

A complete application is an application that doesn’t require edits or more information. If an application is incomplete, Program Staff will contact the client to request the missing information or will require that the applicant resubmit the application with missing information/clarifications requested. The timestamp at the time of submission or resubmission is what determines your position in the first-come, first-serve queue. If the application is sent back to you, the application will move to the bottom of the queue upon resubmission. 

Program staff will return incomplete applications to applicants for resubmission with missing information/clarifications requested. Applicants will be given one opportunity to complete and resubmit an incomplete application. Program staff will complete adjudication and notify applicants of funding decision within eight weeks of application submission or resubmission. All adjudication decisions are final.

If the project is not approved, the applicant will receive a written response from the program.

Funding is application and project-specific and must be used for the approved project and related expenses. Funds are non-transferable.

Retroactive costs will not be considered.

The Program is committed to providing funding decisions within 8 weeks of a complete submission. If Program Staff have reached out to you for more information or clarification and you are asked to resubmit, the date you submit the additional information / the final and complete application is the start of the 8-week process. 


Project funding and reimbursement claims

The Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency Program is a reimbursement-based program. Successful applicants may start working on their project once a signed project approval letter is received.

Keep all project receipts and submit an online claim for reimbursement upon project completion. Successful applicants will receive email instructions as soon as the online claims portal is ready.


Funding reimbursement requirements

Successful applicants may only request reimbursement for funding at the end of project completion with a completed claim form. Interim claims are not allowed.

Successful applicants must submit final reporting information, copies of invoices and proof of payment prior to being reimbursed from the program. Expenses will be reimbursed based on the submitted receipts, the approved project budget and the corresponding cost-share ratio. It is important that the final report is submitted on time and with all the required information.

Proof of payment must be provided for all invoices (including hired labour), and proof of payment must be under the Legal Business Name on the approved application. Proof of payment can be a paid company invoice(s) showing the amount as fully paid with a zero-balance owing and the contact information for the company, a processed cheque with an invoice, or a credit card statement as evidence of payment. Cash payments will not be eligible unless accompanied by an official company voucher and proof of payment. Financing or monthly payments to a contractor will not be eligible. Barter/exchange transactions are not eligible. 


Project changes

Once a project is approved it must be completed as per the application and approval unless you receive written communication from the Program with agreement to make changes to the project. Projects may be subject to cancellation if they are not completed as approved. This applies to equipment purchases and construction projects. 

Funding for partial projects will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and is eligible only when the partial projects, on their own, are able to achieve the program outcomes. Requests for consideration must include justification or evidence of regulatory agency documentation which may have delayed project completion. 

Please contact the program team as soon as possible if there are issues with meeting deadlines. Any projects that exceed the March 14, 2027 deadline are considered cancelled. Any materials or services obtained for a cancelled project are not eligible for payment. 



The program provides payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT/direct deposit).  Successful applicants will receive email instructions on how to set up EFT.


Project reporting

Successful applicants may be randomly chosen for a project verification audit to ensure the work has been completed according to submitted final reporting information. This may take the form of an on-site field audit.

Successful applicants will be required to consent to an outcome/impact evaluation (survey or interview) to be conducted within five years of project completion.

Successful applicants will be required to allow program representatives access to Production Insurance records (associated with the parcel that the infrastructure or equipment was installed on) for program outcome evaluation purposes.


Funding acknowledgements

The Tree Fruit Climate Resiliency (TFCR) Program is funded by the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food. As such, acknowledgement of funding is required when publicly communicating about a project and/or funding. To ensure appropriate acknowledgement, all communications and marketing materials, including public announcements or social media posts, must be pre-approved by the Program’s Communications Team. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food may also publicly communicate recipient names, funding amounts and project details.


General terms and conditions


--Read more--

Arm’s length transactions

All businesses from which claimed goods or services are purchased must be at arm’s length from the applicant, meaning not related to the applicant, not affiliated with the applicant, or controlled in any way by individuals who are connected by a blood relationship, marriage, common-law partnership, or adoption.


Program staff shall have the authority to deny an application if there is evidence of misrepresentation of pertinent information. 

Authorized signatories

Designates are not permitted to sign the program application or other program documentation on behalf of an individual unless they are an attorney under a duly authorized power of attorney.  In the case of non-individual applicants, the application form and other program documentation must be signed by a properly authorized person with signing authority on behalf of the entity. If the person who signs is not properly authorized to do so, that person will be deemed to have submitted the application in their personal capacity and will be responsible for all amounts paid to them or for any overpayments owed by them under this program. Proof of authorization must be submitted upon request. 

Collection and use of personal information

Any personal information collected by the Government of B.C. in relation to this program is for the purposes of administering the program, as well as for the administration, evaluation and development of Ministry of Agriculture and Food programs, and to advise you about programs and services available through the Province. It is collected under the authority of s. 26(c) and s. 27(1)(a)(i) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c. 165. Further information about the collection or use of this information may be obtained by contacting

False or misleading information

The Applicant agrees to refund any overpayments received from the program within 30 days of notice being provided to them by program staff. The applicant’s failure to refund such payment by that deadline may result in the debt for that amount being set off against money owed to the Eligible Applicant. Interest charges for unpaid amounts will be compounded monthly and will be added to any debt not repaid by the deadline.

Applicants who provide false or misleading information related to the program forego all program funding and are liable to repay all program funding they have received.


All projects must abide by all applicable federal, provincial, and local government laws and regulations, including but not limited to, Federal and Provincial environmental and land use legislation, and zoning bylaws.

Overpayments and refunds

If it is determined by program staff that the provision of funding to an applicant under the program was inconsistent with these terms and conditions, it is an overpayment. In that case, the program may require the person to repay some or all the overpayment. Until it is repaid, the amount of the overpayment is a debt owing by the applicant.  An overpayment may result where an applicant:

  • is not eligible to participate in the program
  • claims costs that are not eligible
  • is overpaid by the program
  • has not complied with the terms and conditions of the program, or
  • provides false or misleading information in the program application

Stacking of government funding

Program policy sets a percentage maximum amount of government funds which can be used towards the total project costs.  This has been set at 80 percent of the total eligible costs from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food’s funding contributions.

The program shall have the authority to deny an application or reduce a payment if there is evidence of misrepresentation of pertinent information.

Termination of the program

The program may be terminated or amended at any time, without prior notice.

Verifications and declarations

Program applicants must supply all documentation or information required to verify and administer the program, upon request. This continues in force indefinitely, even after the program ends or is terminated.  

Waiver of liability

Under no circumstances will the governments of Canada and British Columbia, or their officers, servants or agents, be liable to any applicant or participant in the program (or to their heirs, administrators or assigns) for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages arising out of any application to or participation in the program or arising from any advice, operation or any other activity related to the program, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, or loss of programs or information, even if the governments of Canada and British Columbia have been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages.



Contact information

AgriService BC Toll Free