Tree Fruit Climate Change Response Fund

Last updated on March 21, 2025

Key timelines:

  • Anticipated application opening: Spring 2025
  • Application period: The portal will remain open for 3 weeks after program launch
  • Application deadline: To be announced
  • If you were enrolled in Production Insurance (PI) in 2024, you will receive an email invitation with instructions to review, verify, and submit your application. Monitor your inbox for more details

B.C. tree fruit growers: financial support is coming!

B.C.’s tree fruit growers will soon have access to direct financial assistance to help in strengthening their operations and enhance long-term resilience and sustainability. 

The 2025 British Columbia Tree Fruit Climate Change Response Fund is a $10-million one-time payment fund, to support tree fruit growers in response to the significant challenges faced over the past four years, and the ongoing threats impacting the sector.

Examples of uses for the one-time payment include:

  • Farm improvements
  • Farm equipment and tools
  • Farm debt repayment
  • Farm wages (e.g., seasonal labour, permanent staff support)
  • Farm infrastructure
  • Training and education for farm staff

Fund information

The Fund will provide financial assistance based on total area occupied by fruit trees (eligible acres). The number of eligible acres is calculated as the number of trees of each type divided by their respective planting density per acre (row spacing × tree spacing). Unplanted areas such as roads, buildings, or non-fruit tree crops will not be included as eligible acres.

  • Payments will be limited to a maximum of 70 eligible acres (28.3 hectares)
  • Payment amount to each applicant will not be determined until after the Fund has closed and will be based on the total eligible acres received by the Fund


Eligible applicants include:

  • Existing tree fruit producers in B.C., whose primary purpose is the production and sale of harvested tree fruit
  • Growers farming at least 2.47 eligible acres of tree fruits with a minimum planting density of 100 trees per acre
  • Primary producers with owned or leased tree fruit production land as of November 30, 2024 within British Columbia
  • Growers who have their main farmstead in British Columbia and have filed farm income tax for the tax year 2023 (form T2042 or T1273) under the Income Tax Act in B.C.

Application process

Register for a free BCeID account in advance

Producers should register prior to April 15, 2025 to ensure a smooth application process.

The application process for the 2025 British Columbia Tree Fruit Climate Change Response Fund is still being finalized. However, we can confirm that:

  • Applications will be submitted through B.C. government PODS applicant portal
  • A BCeID account will be required to access the application form (BCeID - Home)
  • Gather key documents (such as a property map) to streamline your application

Additional information - growers with a 2024 Production Insurance policy

  • Growers with a 2024 Production Insurance (PI) policy will be pre-verified, and their existing information will be populated including a contact email used for PI
  • To ensure the PODS applicant portal links your login with your PI data, it is important that you use a BCeID created with the same email address you used to submit the PI application. This is the email where you will receive Fund communication 
  • Policy holders will receive another communication letting you know once the Fund application form becomes available on the PODS applicant portal

At this time, we anticipate that the application will include:

  • A general application form
  • A tree fruit field inventory form

Supporting documentation such as tax returns, lease agreements, property maps, or photographic evidence will be required for growers not currently enrolled in Production Insurance.

Growers, including ones with existing Production Insurance policies, reporting additional eligible acres beyond insured crops will need to submit supporting documentation as part of the application process.

Call: 1-888-221-7141  if you have questions or need to make a change to your application.

Contact information