UBC review schedule and outcomes

Last updated on June 25, 2024

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Schedule of teacher education program reviews

The BC Teachers’ Council (BCTC) carries out the review of the teacher education program using a pre-arranged schedule. 

  • Process C – Ongoing structured dialogue: 2017, 2019, 2024, 2026 and 2030 
  • Process D – Maintenance review: 2022 and 2028

Outcome from each review process

The following are the outcomes from each review process.


Process B - changes to an existing program  

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent February 26, 2024
Proposed Change

The Faculty of Education submitted a proposal to deliver the professional certification teacher education coursework (Term 2 and 3) in a blended online/in-person format.  

Interim TEPARC Analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC Decision Approved June 6, 2024 

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent November 17, 2023
Proposed Change

The Faculty of Education submitted a proposal to deliver the professional certification teacher education coursework (Term 1 and 4) in a blended online/in-person format.                                

Interim TEPARC Analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC Decision Approved January 30, 2024 

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent January 18, 2023
Proposed Change The Faculty of Education proposed a change to the Rural and Remote Professional Certification Program (RRED). The change allows the program to establish practicum placements for teacher candidates in the current cohort who are working as education assistants, as Indigenous support workers, or as uncertified teachers on call or working with letters of permission.   
Interim TEPARC Analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC Decision Approved February 17, 2023 

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent March 21, 2022
Proposed Change The Faculty of Education proposed that it deliver the Professional Certification Program at Indigenous Teacher Education (NITEP) Field Centers in a blended online/in-person delivery format. It identified Bella Coola as a new NITEP location.
TEPARC Analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC Decision Approved May 2, 2022

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent April 9, 2021
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed a change to the Blended Rural Teacher Education Program. The change was to increase online coursework for 33% to 40% and decrease the program duration from 25 months to 24 months. 
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC decision Approved June 4, 2021

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent January 23, 2020
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed changes to the Blended Rural Teacher Education Program. One change was to extend the program duration from 11 months to 25 months. Another change was to allow individuals in remote communities to complete the required coursework for teacher certification. 
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC decision Approved June 12, 2020

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent September 20, 2019
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed changes to the Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP). One change was to extend the program duration from 11 months to 12 months. Another change was to deliver the program's professional certification year at NITEP community-based field centres. 
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC decision Approved February 28, 2020

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent January 22, 2018
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed a change to the B.Ed. Career Education Preparation - Chef Specialization (CEPC) program. The change was to create an exit point for candidates with 54 credits to apply for the Trades Certificate.
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval
BCTC decision Approved June 12, 2018

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent April 11, 2016
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed to move the Middle Years program option under the UBC Elementary program. 
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval
BCTC decision Approved April 29, 2016


Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent January 18, 2023
Proposed Change The Faculty of Education proposed a change to the Rural and Remote Professional Certification Program (RRED). The change allows the program to establish practicum placements for teacher candidates in the current cohort who are working as education assistants, as Indigenous support workers, or as uncertified teachers on call or working with letters of permission.   
Interim TEPARC Analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC Decision Approved February 17, 2023 

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent March 21, 2022
Proposed Change The Faculty of Education proposed that it deliver the Professional Certification Program at Indigenous Teacher Education (NITEP) Field Centers in a blended online/in-person delivery format. It identified Bella Coola as a new NITEP location.
TEPARC Analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC Decision Approved May 2, 2022

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent April 9, 2021
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed a change to the Blended Rural Teacher Education Program. The change was to increase online coursework for 33% to 40% and decrease the program duration from 25 months to 24 months. 
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC decision Approved June 4, 2021

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent January 23, 2020
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed changes to the Blended Rural Teacher Education Program. One change was to extend the program duration from 11 months to 25 months. Another change was to allow individuals in remote communities to complete the required coursework for teacher certification. 
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC decision Approved June 12, 2020

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent September 20, 2019
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed changes to the Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP). One change was to extend the program duration from 11 months to 12 months. Another change was to deliver the program's professional certification year at NITEP community-based field centres. 
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval as a minor program change
BCTC decision Approved February 28, 2020

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent January 22, 2018
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed a change to the B.Ed. Career Education Preparation - Chef Specialization (CEPC) program. The change was to create an exit point for candidates with 54 credits to apply for the Trades Certificate.
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval
BCTC decision Approved June 12, 2018

Process B outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date the BCTC received the Notice of Intent April 11, 2016
Proposed change The Faculty of Education proposed to move the Middle Years program option under the UBC Elementary program. 
TEPARC analysis Proposal recommended for approval
BCTC decision Approved April 29, 2016



Process C - ongoing structured dialogue

Process C outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date of process November 7, 2019
Campus University of British Columbia                                        
BCTC participants Rebecca Blair and Jay Dixon      
Date summary report presented to the BCTC February 27, 2020

Process C outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date of process July 4, 2019
Campus University of British Columbia - West Kootenay Rural
Teacher Education Program
BCTC participants Carolyn Broady and John Hall
Date summary report presented to the BCTC October 10, 2019

Process C outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date of process November 2, 2017
Campus University of British Columbia
BCTC participants John Tyler and Teresa Rezansoff                                 
Date summary report presented to the BCTC February 9, 2017



Process D - maintenance review 

Process D outcome

Process Outline Process Details
Date of process November 15-17, 2022
Program Assessment Team (PAT)
  • Marjorie Dumont, BCTC
  • Adrienne Demers, BCTC
  • Kathy Sanford, teacher educator, UVIC
  • Jeffrey Aw-Yong, K-12 educator, School District No. 44
Program modules
  • Post-degree B.Ed. programs: elementary (K-7), middle years (grade 6-8), and secondary (grade 8-12)
  • Dual degree: secondary
  • West Kootenay Rural Teacher Education Program (WKTEP)
  • Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP)
  • Rural and Remote Education Program (RRED)
Teacher candidates enrolled (past 12 months) 752
Graduates (past 12 months) 701
Participants interviewed
  • 41 TEP faculty and administration
  • 19 community partners
  • 51 teacher candidates
  • 11 graduates
PAT recommendation to the BCTC Full approval of UBC's teacher education program
BCTC decision  The BCTC confirms that the teacher education program at UBC continues to meet the TEP Approval Standards. Recommendation approved February 16, 2023.