Water Quality

Last updated on February 22, 2021

Water is one of BC’s most important natural resources and must be managed appropriately to protect both human and ecosystem health.

Drinking Water Quality

Clean and safe water for drinking is essential to maintain our health and well-being.

Water quality guidelines are benchmarks for water quality parameters to protect drinking water sources.

Community watersheds are designated areas that require special management practices to reduce the impacts of forest, range, and oil and gas activities on drinking water sources.

Recreational Water Quality

Recreational water provides opportunities for exercise, play and relaxation.

Water quality guidelines are benchmarks for water quality parameters to protect water used for recreation.

Water Quality Guidelines for Aquatic Life, Wildlife & Agriculture

Ambient water quality guidelines are benchmarks for water quality parameters to protect aquatic life, wildlife, livestock & irrigation.

Water Quality Objectives

To manage fresh and marine water quality, water quality objectives may be developed for specific water bodies to protect water values in that watershed.

Water Quality Monitoring

Water quality monitoring of ambient fresh and marine waters is conducted to assess and monitor water bodies in BC.