Supports for Forestry Workers, Communities and Businesses

Last updated on March 25, 2025

Rural areas in B.C. are vital to the province's economy and well-being, driven by the dedication and resilience of the people and their communities. The Province knows there are challenges too and is committed to helping through comprehensive and targeted supports.

Current support programs and tools


  • B.C. Employer Training Grant: Provides funding to impacted self-employed workers and contractors for skills training to pivot their businesses.
  • Responds to inquiries and connects employers and job seekers with the information they need to access provincial labour market programs and resources. For example:



  • Community Workforce Response Grant (CWRG) addresses urgent workforce challenges by providing funding to communities and sectors for cohort-based, short-term (less than 52 weeks) in-demand occupational skills training, to support unemployed or precariously employed individuals in securing sustainable employment.
  • Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program: Supports rural economic development projects that promote economic capacity building, economic diversification, resilience, clean economy opportunities and infrastructure development.
  • B.C. Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN)Works with First Nations to provide them with the tools and information they need to build successful, sustainable plans for economic development.
  • Economic Development Funding & Grants: Find financial support for your economic development initiatives by easily searching our database
  • Specialized Government Staff: Provides free and accessible economic development services to local governments, Indigenous communities, businesses, and economic development agencies throughout the province. They assist communities in planning and implementing economic development priorities. 
  • Community Transition Services: Provides on-the-ground supports after an economic disruption such as a mill closure. The team coordinates with ministries and organizations to ensure supports are in place for individuals and communities.


Our Forests. Our Future.

We're changing how we manage B.C. forests by taking better care of old growth forests, making communities and smaller businesses a priority, and working in partnership with First Nations.

Learn about B.C.'s forest future