B.C. Oyster Recovery Fund

Last updated on September 18, 2024

The B.C. Oyster Recovery Fund, announced in June 2018, provided short-term relief funds to British Columbia oyster growers for the purchase of oyster seed to support production continuity.

Applications are closed.

Eligibility criteria

The B.C. Oyster Recovery Fund provided current valid British Columbia oyster aquaculture license holders with a grant of 75 percent of the cost of oyster seed purchased after January 1, 2018, to a maximum of $10,000 per license holder.

The grant offer was limited to valid British Columbia oyster aquaculture license holders,as identified on Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s list of aquaculture license holders.

Application instructions

Applications for the B.C. Oyster Recovery Fund were accepted until March 31, 2019 or until funding was exhausted.

Applications for the program, submitted:

  • A completed B.C. Oyster Recovery Fund Application Form (PDF, 469.8 KB) [form no longer available]
  • Attached proof of payment for the purchase of oyster seed. This included copies of paid receipts and/or invoices from your oyster seed supplier
  • If you received a handwritten receipt or an invoice that did not state that payment was made, additional supplementary documentation was required to process your application. Examples of accepted supplementary documentation include:
    • An invoice from your supplier showing a zero dollar balance and payment details
    • A copy of your processed cheque(s) provided by your bank (may be submitted in PDF, PNG or JPG file format)

Completed application form with copies of the paid receipt(s)/invoice(s) were submitted by email.​​

Contact information

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